Did You Know: Casey James Was Married?!

"What do you mean it's illegal to marry a guitar in the state of Texas?!"

Um…how did The Ashley not know about this one?

Turns out Casey James, the American Idol version of Brad Pitt, has his very own Jennifer Anniston. (Meaning an ex-wife for those of you who didn’t quite follow that. It was bad, I know.)

"Don't feel bad, I didn't know he was married either!"

According to this story that was posted on Hollywood Gossip.com, Casey was married to a girl named Kellie from 2005-2008! The recently booted Idol never made any mention of being a divorcee that I can remember.

I don’t know why someone like him would want to be married, especially when he was that young. Looking like he does, playing and singing like he does, I’ll bet he could have pulled two chicks PER NIGHT!

Here’s the story, which first appeared in the National Enquirer. Of course, when I first heard she did an interview with the National Enquirer, I figured Kellie James was probably tipping the scale at about 3-hundo, working at the Cracker Barrel and watching bitterly as her ex-husband is becoming famous and wanted to get even with him by giving a slanderous interview.

Unfortunately (for me, not Casey) his ex-wife has nothing but nice things to say about him. The worse thing she has to say is that he is too in love with music to have a real relationship. Yawn! Give me some dirt, girl!!
Read on:

“Music is everything to Casey,” said Kellie, the woman that was married to him from 2005 to 2008. “He just does what he loves to do, which is music, but he’s never thought of himself as a heartthrob. Girls have always had crushes on him, but Casey doesn’t encourage it. He’s not conceited or full of himself. Frankly, I think it embarrasses him.”

She also talks about the devastating motorcycle accident that Casey was in (which they talked about on last night’s Idol.)

“The doctors told us that they didn’t know whether Casey would be able to use his hand again, much less play the guitar,” revealed Kellie. “When he was finally able to play again, Casey felt he had a new lease on life.”

Oh, and she also says that Casey like church now too. This interview is like word Ambien, I swear.

I hope Kellie is still getting some late-night bootie calls from her ex-hubby!!! Get it girl!

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