Don't Cry! You'll Never Have to Miss Another 'Roundup' Post Again!

"I feel so stupid for not joining The Ashley's email list! If only I hadn't missed all those updates!"

Want to keep up with all the latest gossip from your favorite reality shows, but find that you’re constantly forgetting to check  The Ashley’s Reality Roundup website?

"There, there, Ali, you can still get instant updates by being The Ashley's friend on Facebook!"

Don’t sit there blubbering like an idiot because you’re out of the loop on the latest gossip from The Bachelorette, American Idol and other shows! There’s two ways you can easily read every story posted on “The Roundup!”

First, become friends with The Ashley’s Reality Roundup on Facebook. It’s quick, it’s easy, and let’s face it…you’re on there half the time you’re at work anyway. The Facebook page features every post that goes up on the Roundup!

You can also put yourself on The Ashley’s email list! Simply sign up here and every post will be emailed to you in seconds! It’s super easy! Just hit the “subscribe” button in the right-hand column and you’ll be ready to go!!

Oh yeah, and don’t forget to tell your friends about The Ashley’s Reality Roundup! All the cool kids are doing it!

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