Emily Maynard From ‘The Bachelor’–Yes, She Really is that Perfect!

“Aw, shucks. Ya’ll are embarrassing me!”

OK, so who doesn’t love Bachelor hopeful Emily Manyard? Especially after last night’s heart-wrenching episode (more on that later), if you don’t like this girl, you’re probably a terrible human being! (You know you totally cheered when she got the rose on her one-on-one date! The Ashley certainly did!)

This we know about Emily: she’s freaking amazing looking (um, how is it fair that one person gets to have that many good features? Nice hair, nice face, nice body, um…please tell me this chick at least has a hairy mole or two, because if not, life is just not fair.) On top of her beauty, she is seems to be a genuinely nice person who has a good head on her shoulders. Lastly, her sweet Carolina accent is so soothing; I want her to read me a bedtime story.

Ok. That’s it. I officially want to date Emily. Or at least be her.

I think most of us will agree that Emily is way too hot for Brad Womack, so grab her now, Brad, before she realizes she’s way out of your league and hits the bricks! Why are you wasting your time getting to know creepballs like Michelle when this girl’s hanging around?! Jeez, you really are denser than I thought.

Anyway, watching last night’s episode made The Ashley think: can a person really be this perfect? Are all of the things we know about Emily actually true, or are the producers just trying to butter her up because they want her to be a frontrunner? The Ashley investigated and found out that…yeah. She really is that perfect.

Her story checks out.

Emily really was the fiancé of Ricky Hendrick. They were engaged for six months before he died on October 24, 2004. Although it hasn’t been mentioned on the show yet, Ricky Hendrick wasn’t just some random race car driver, he’s actually the son of NASCAR owner Rick Hendrick. The plane crash killed nine people, most of them from the Hendrick Motorsports family. Five days later, Emily really did find out she was pregnant. (To read about how she told his grieving family, check out this story from a NASCAR website  from 2005. There’s also a little more about the crash. )

She really plans events for sick kids:

Emily has done work for Levine Children’s Hospital in North Carolina (although the show may have elaborated a bit by calling her an employee of the hospital. It appears that she just helps out on random events and doesn’t really work there full time.) The hospital’s pediatric intensive care wing is actually named after her late fiancé, after his parents donated three million dollars to help get the hospital up and running. (Here’s an article about that .)

She really is that pretty. 

Take a look at this slideshow (ignore the supposed-to-be-touching-but-is-really-just-annoying song). These photos span Emily’s younger years when she was with Ricky. (They started dating when she was 15 years old.) Some of the photos even show her without makeup and she still looks amazing.

She really is that nice:

In this story, Emily tells how she can’t stand disrespectful people. From Wetpaint.com:

“When asked about her worst date, Emily said, ‘Well, I went out with a guy that I thought was a gentleman, but he was completely rude to the waitress. I felt so bad I went back to apologize and gave her a bigger tip just for putting up with him.”

Love her!

Emily and "Junior"
Emily and “Junior”

Did you know: Emily was rumored to have been dating Dale Earnheart Jr. a while back!

(Photos: ABC, Starcasm)

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