Is ‘The Challenge’ Star Diem Brown Facing Cancer Again?

The Ashley has made no secret of her love for Diem Brown, the inspirational star of MTV’s The Challenge. Diem was diagnosed with ovarian cancer right before she started filming her first season of ‘The Challenge.’ After that season ended, she went through treatment, beat cancer, and created, a medical registry for those facing serious illness or injury. (You can read about all the reasons The Ashley is inspired by Diem by clicking here.)

Anyway, Diem has been cancer-free for several years now, and starred on the most recent season of ‘The Challenge: Battle of the Exes.” Earlier this month, Diem revealed that she had to have surgery to remove a 10cm cyst from her body, and is scheduled to have another surgery tomorrow morning.

“Mentally prepping hard for tomorrow! I don’t WANT 2 go through this again but all I’m praying for is 2 remain positive no matter the outcome,” she told her Twitter followers this morning. “I’m extremely blessed not mad or upset about any cards dealt…I’m grateful 4 every opportunity 2 adapt, I may be nervous but I have faith.”

Diem didn’t elaborate on why she needed the additional surgery, although she has told her Twitter followers that she has been going on a “doctor tour” through New York City, getting more opinions on her condition.

“Praying to remain positive no matter what the outcome,” she told her Facebook fans this morning. “I feel really calm & at peace which I know that comes from having faith. Faith to me is the safety net you need when the rug gets pulled from underneath you. Hope you all are well & please remember, if you feel constant pain in your body get it check out! Pain is a great alarm clock telling you to go to the doctor!”

She has yet to confirm or deny if her cancer has returned, but The Ashley is crossing her fingers that it hasn’t, and sending her best wishes to Diem!

UPDATE (June 6, 2012): As suspected, Diem has indeed been diagnosed with ovarian cancer again. She posted the following message on her Facebook page yesterday:

Sooo I got cancer tagged again lol… I know I will be fine, just shocked. I didn’t think Ovarian Cancer could come back but I’m not letting any of this crud slow me down… I promise I’m gonna be all good so no worries.

She will be doing her cancer treatments in New York City, and is looking for a fertility doctor that can freeze her ovarian tissue so that she might be able to have a baby later in life. The Ashley is sending good vibes to Diem!

(Photo: Facebook)

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