Sunday’s mid-season finale of Sister Wives ended with a look at what’s coming this spring for Kody, Robyn, Meri, Janelle and Christine Brown when the TLC series returns for the remainder of Season 19, and much like the art in Robyn and Kody’s Mountain Mansion, it’s a lot.
While fans of ‘Sister Wives’ have watched Robyn and Meri’s friendship play out on-screen over many seasons, the recent friction between the former sister wives will finally be addressed, as Meri begins to question just how “rill” their friendship ever was.
“There’s so many people that are like, ‘She was a liar, she’s manipulating,’” Meri tells her BFF Jenn Sullivan in the trailer.

Jenn agrees with Meri, noting that Robyn– who is Kody’s only remaining wife– always claimed to be Meri’s best friend, only to end up “completely ignor[ing]” Meri towards the end of Kody and Meri’s marriage– and beyond.
“That’s really f**ked up,” Meri’s actual BFF tells her.
Meri goes on to tell viewers that while she had a “bond” with Robyn, she’s now left questioning some of Robyn’s actions.
“ … Why tell me that you want to have a relationship with me and then ghost me for months and months and months?” Meri says of her former sister wife.
The trailer also shows ‘Sister Wives’ Tell-All host Suki Krishnan gauging Janelle’s interest in finding love again, which Janelle seems open to, under one condition.
“I promise you, I am not asexual,” Janelle tells Suki. “I promise you.
“ … I definitely don’t want someone who is such a prima donna like Kody is,” she adds.

In another clip from the Season 19 Tell-All, viewers watch as Kody claims, once again, that he’s being “guilted” by his family for loving Robyn, while insisting that he and his only wife have a one-of-a-kind love.
“Polygamy doesn’t work if you’re going to actually fall in love,” Kody says, to which Suki asks, “And you fell in love?”
“I fell in love hard,” Kody claims. “Hard.”
In another clip from the Tell-All, Robyn essentially accuses her former sister wives of being obsessed with both her and her marriage to Kody.
“I wish they all would focus on their own relationships without my name coming up,” she says.

Fans can also expect to see a meet-up between Meri and Janelle on the family’s Coyote Pass property, where the two discuss the worst case scenario regarding the ongoing property dispute.
“[Kody] could sell the 2-acre piece [of property] he and Robyn own and the 5 acres,” Janelle tells Meri, who later tells viewers, “There is a few things that I will fight for and this is one of them.”
In response, Kody insists that he plans to play fair– at least as far as Meri is concerned.
“I’m not trying to rip you off, Meri!” Kody screams in the clip. “This is all imagined in Janelle’s head because Janelle feels like, ‘Oh, I got divorced so I deserve something.’”

We’ll also see Meri entertaining the idea of finding another romantic partner and Christine all but accusing Kody and Robyn of having sex before they were “spiritually married” to one another– something that would’ve been considered a no-no, per the family’s former church.
“We’ve all seen their engagement photos,” Christine tells Suki in the trailer. “I wonder how close they got before they were married?”
‘Sister Wives’ will return this spring. Check out the trailer below!
RELATED STORY: ‘Sister Wives’ Star Kody Brown Thinks He & Janelle May Still Have a “Karmic Connection” Despite Their Split
(Photos: TLC; Instagram)
14 Responses
The storyline would be much better without Kody and Robin. It’s becoming very boring to watch Robin cry and Kody deny any fault regarding Janelle, Christine and Meri. I think these three ladies could carry on very well without Kody and Robin!
As far as the timeline being chopped up, blame yourselves for freaking out over them airing their real lives on the show. The silly backlash is the reason any mention of Garrison was cut.
Are they ever going to talk about Garrison’s passing on the show?
I should add that even my husband has called Kody a “Girly Man” with his permed, dyed, ugly hair. Kody, you’re not fooling anyone…you’re balding!!!! No amount of Perms, dye, & hair nets will cover that forever!
Haven’t these women ever heard about back pay for child support? I doubt loser Kody EVER paid his fair share to having ALL his children.
It’s all been for his MASSIVE sperm donor ego…(Dr. Laura, thank you for that term). If he’d ever been more than a sperm donor he would have been at the one child’s life threatening back surgery, seen the children during Covid, and had more a hand in raising a minor child, Truely. The only time I saw Kody with Truely, he was deriding her for not riding a bicycle right away.
When Kody wasn’t bossing the wives around, he was bossing the children around. Well, guess what? The children are mostly ALL GROWN UP & WITH THEM THE EX-WIVES, and not falling for your line of Bull&#*@ anymore. The wives can prove with cancelled checks, that Kody and Robyn (the 3 wives paid off about $35,000.00 of Robyn’s debt before she can get married to Kody).
Before Kody gets all Messiah-like and think he can cheat Janelle & Meri, he should remember all of the above facts before he rides off into the sunset with his one true love (becyech!) Robyn.
Unfortunately, most states only allow “back” pay from the time u filed for child support. It would not include any time beforehand. Despite having a 3 year old if I filed tomorrow it would only be then going forward and not his first three years of life .They changed the laws back in 2007 when father rights became more recognized. I do believe this review in the way it’s distributed is for women who don’t let a man know he is the father until way after the fact then he owes tons of money while never being aware of the child to begin with. So, when paternity is established they go off the date the child support is filed . Why if u aren’t with the father of ur child and u want child support u immediately file. These women aren’t married to Cody legally so the same rules would apply. Marriage legally would give them more leeway and its why Robin was smart enough to manipulate Cody to marry her cause she learned this during her divorce . Unfortunately the others now see the night with Robin and Cody which was always manipulative from day one.
Is anyone else confused about the timeline of this show? They seemed to have skipped months from one episode to the next. One episode Mari is talking about sending the email regarding Coyote Pass and the next episode they’re saying that happened months ago. In the last episode Robyn said it was the end of summer but summer 2024 or summer 2023? When did Jenelle move to NC?
The timeline is all messed up this season because they cut out any scenes or mention of Garrison after his death. They cut and pasted a lot and straight up filmed new scenes and pretended they were shot earlier.
The way Kody speaks to Suki, who is just interviewing him with questions the production asks her to ask….
I hate when does the that.
“Listen Suki…”. So condescending.
He really thinks he’s a God (yeah, sure Jan!) that doesn’t have to answer, so he can look like the big bully titty baby that he is!
Eyebrows and Mop Top watched Meri sobbing as she signed divorce papers…of course she’s as manipulative and disingenuous as the Mop. And no way is Janelle asexual, Mop Top clearly “😻worships” Janelle And she’s got it going on or he wouldn’t be mooning over her despite her shutting him down time and time again. You could see him salivating when they had “date night” in the doll house or eaves whatever ridiculous cramped space they met for dinner this season.
Come on, cody, you can’t actually be dumb enough to believe the shit that’s coming out of your mouth.. And we the viewers aren’t dumb enough.
I can’t stand him. Robyn sucks too.
I think Meri at the very least is starting to question Robyn. I would love her to actually confront her head on. I don’t think she will because Meri strikes me as non confrontational.
Once again Kody is saying he was only in love with Robyn. And that’s probably the only true thing he has ever said. What frustrates me is that even this season Kody wonders why he & Jenelle couldn’t “work things out because he felt like they could”. Then immediately after he shit talks her and reiterates that he never loved her to begin with.
Yes he will screw Meri. He will try to screw Jenelle but I don’t think she will allow it. Jenelle should get a hefty severance package for being with Kody for decades. But she just wants what she is owed. Imagine that, a woman who stands on her own two feet and demands what’s fair. Kody wants to live in the dark ages.