Crystal Bowersox: Hook a Girl Up With a Grille

Missing teeth
Got Teeth? Nope!

American Idol is the top-rated show on TV, is it not? They have enough money to fly in random bagpipers and people who play strange instruments from Australia, yet here we are in week 8 or something and Crystal Bowersox (the one many believe will win it all) is still without incisor teeth?! Hook a sista up with some chompers, FOX!

I’m starting to think that it’s actually something she wants to make her trademark. People are more concerned with Crystal’s (lack of) dental hygiene than with her singing, which is sad because she is really really good.

Come on, Idol, give Crystal some replacement teeth. Disney got Hillary Duff a whole mouth full of teeth, you can’t hook a girl up with one? Geez.

american idol
"Are you still talking, Kara?"

Tonight’s Idol was overall pretty good. The highlights:

  • Casey’s performance…coming back strong as a favorite. His performance was by far the best of the night.
  • Ellen’s joke about the bagpiper who dramatically descended the staircase during Lee’s performance being separated from his parade. I love her.
  • The fact that Simon could not have looked more bored for most of the night. Every time Kara spoke he sat there looking like he wanted to rip off a piece of Siobhan’s creepy dress and stuff it in Kara’s mouth to get her to shut up.
  • Andrew & Crystal’s performances. Too bad I think ol’ Neck Tattoo will be sent packing tomorrow.

The low-lights:

  • Inviting a creepo from the back row to come up on stage and hug a mildly scared Siobhan. Why are we rewarding annoying loud mouths?
  • The scary outfit Siobhan wore. Between the pincurls, the long lace dress and white lace-up boots, she looked like she was working the saloon girl show at Knott’s Berry Farm.
  • The fact that Cabbage Patch Kid Tim Urban is still on the show. Bring back Didi!

Who do I think will be in the Bottom 3 tomorrow? My bets on Tim, Andrew and Aaron Kelly.

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