Add Them to the Bachelor Failure Heap: Jillian & Ed Break Up!

What’s on the menu for Jill & Ed? Breakup soup, with a side of bitterness, please.

What the hell is going on in Bachelor land? Obviously, we know the relationships that are started on these shows are going to fail at some point. However, it usually doesn’t happen to all of them the same week. The Ashley can barely keep up with all the make-ups and break-ups. It’s like being back in junior high!

US Weekly is reporting that Jillian and Ed, who met on last season’s Bachelorette, have gone kaput:

I love him and I’m really sad, but I have to look out for me,” Jillian told US.

“We’re both kind of resetting,” Ed said. “Jillian isn’t happy and I’m definitely sad about the whole thing, but we got to work through some things on our own if we decide to move forward.”

You may remember the “happy couple” from as recently as earlier this year when they attended Molly and Jason’s rain-soaked over-exposed wedding extravaganza, or when they helped Jake chose between Vienna and Tenley during his turn as the Bachelor. (Thanks for making him chose Vienna, guys. I owe you one!) Turns out things aren’t always how they seem on television. (Shocking!)

The Bachelor producers are more than likely scrambling to cover all of the bad  press that’s surfaced within the last week or so: first the whole Justin “Rated R” Rego fiasco, then the bitter Jake and Vienna feud and now the loss of one of the only remaining “happy” Bachelor couples, Jillian and Ed. I do give them props for having Jill and Ed release news of their breakup in the midst of the whole Jake and Vienna battle. It’s a nice attempt to sweep this one under the rug while the nation’s attention is on the other couple. 

They don’t really have much to go on to prove that the show’s formula works. At the start of every season, Chris Harrison states, “We’ve had couples go on to get married [one, okay, maybe two if you count the guy who ended up marrying the girl he dumped] and have children.” [Again, one couple. Hardly eligible for bragging rights, guys.]


One Response

  1. How does Ryan impregnating Trista make for finding love and a happy marriage? The idea is that the two get together and find love and get married. That’s what the show is about, NOT the man impregnating the woman. Kids is a choice after the fact. Not part of the equation on The Bachelor.

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