The Ashley Has Your First Look at 16 & Pregnant, Season 3

The fact that the pregnancy rate among teenage girls in the United States has risen for the first time since 1990 is obviously not good.

What is good is that MTV is there to capture it on camera and then broadcast it to us 20-somethings who watch it religiously and seriously need to get a life! (I can’t help it, I’m addicted to watching these trainwrecks!)
Good news to my fellow 16 & Pregnant fans: it’s almost time for season 3!

MTV has officially released the date that we will get our third helping of teenage girls with big bellies making big, grown-up decisions! We’ll get to see the whole new crop of girls starting October 26! (To read more about the girls from the upcoming Season 3, click here. Not everything is guaranteed to be correct, but it will give you a basic idea of who we’re dealing with here.

Last season was good; however it didn’t really have any stand-out or memorable stars like Season 1 did (except maybe for Samantha, whose excruciatingly painful childbirth has scarred me for life.)
‘Member this horror-fest? This scene alone was enough to make me want to board the “NO KID train!”

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