Merry Christmas Eve From The Ashley


“I’ll see what I can do!”

The Ashley is hoping that Santa Gary brings all of The Roundup readers everything they want.

Here’s a snippet of The Ashley’s Christmas list:

Dear Santa Gary,

Please bring me the following for Christmas:

  • At least two Teen Mom meltdowns that require police intervention.
  • One stupid team on The Amazing Race that I can make fun of.
  • Jail time for AMBO of Teen Mom
  • The demise of God-awful knock-off shows such as Skating with the Stars and The Sing Off
  • Lots of drama on the next Real World/Road Rules Challenge (I think that’s inevitable though.)
  • Nausea pills so I can tolerate Jennifer Lopez when she becomes a judge on American Idol


That is all.

Merry Christmas Everyone!


The Ashley

P.S. Never leave me unsupervised with Microsoft Paint. This is what happens…

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