Valentine’s Day Special: The Ashley’s 10 Favorite Reality Show Couples

It’s Valentine’s Day, which is also one of The Ashley’s favorite days of the year! In honor of this special day, The Ashley has composed a list of her favorite reality TV show lovers.

Now before you go arguing with me that “so and so” should be on the list, here are the requirements that I used: 1) the couple must still be together (sorry Nick & Jessica) 2) the couple must not annoy me (sorry Heidi & Spencer) and 3) the couple must have been on a reality show together or separately at some point.

On with the show!!

10) Tenley & Kiptyn (Bachelor Pad)

Tenley and Kiptyn (otherwise known as Tentyn? Kipley?) are like a human incarnation of a Disney movie couple. They managed to maintain a sappy-sweet relationship, and remain relatively wholesome, despite the fact that they were on a show that was basically just one big STD exchange. Kiptyn and Tenley met right before they started filming ‘Bachelor Pad,’ and their relationship continued to bloom despite the whoring going on around them. While zip-lining over Catalina, the couple made their relationship official.

“These adventures and my relationship have inspired me to live big and do what I can to make a difference. I am so encouraged to look at life and how I live it, opening my eyes to future dreams and looking forward instead of looking back,” Tenley recently told Ladies Lounge.

Wow…even their quotes sound like they came out of the mouth of Cinderella.

9) Leah & Corey (Teen Mom 2)

These two were going to be an “Honorable Mention,” but after The Ashley met them at the Teen Mom Finale taping (click here for details), she was in awe of how in love they were and bumped them up to the Number 9 spot. Leah and Corey have had their share of drama….first a prom-night pregnancy nightmare— twins! Then Leah split up with Corey to date her ex. Then they got back together. Now they’re married and happy.

The Ashley loves seeing two people who are so young act so mature and responsibly with their children and their relationship.

8) Molly & Jason (The Bachelor)

Molly and Jason are only the second couple to ever marry as a result of being on the Bachelor. Of course, it wasn’t all roses and rainbows for these two (well, maybe roses). You’ll remember that Jason originally kicked Molly to the curb in favor of Melissa Rycroft, who he proposed to. Then, in probably the most controversial public dumping ever, Jason dumped Melissa on TV to beg Molly for another chance! All the women in America were screaming “Oh no he did NOT!” at their TV screens that night! Molly gave Jason another chance and they ended up getting married in 2010! Today they seem very happy, and even Melissa got her happy ending: she’s about to give birth to her new husband’s baby. Everyone wins—yaaayyy! (Especially us Bachelor fans who got to watch the whole thing play out!)

7) Ozzie & Sharon (The Osbournes)

Let’s go all the way back to 2002, back when reality TV was just starting to get its groove on. MTV decided to follow the lives of Ozzie and Sharon Osborne and their creepy kids. While Kelly and Jack Osbourne annoyed the crap out of me, Sharon and Ozzie’s relationship was really sweet to watch. Sure, the man tore the head off a bat once, and sure, you could barely understand what the hell he was saying, but Sharon loved him, and Ozzie just adored her. They were odd. They were loud. But they were so cute.

6) Rob & Amber (Survivor)

Sure it’s easy to fall in love when you’re going on glamorous dates involving helicopters and private islands (a la The Bachelor). How about when you’re dirty, exhausted and starving? Not so much. However, Rob and Amber were able to use the time they had on ‘Survivor All-Stars’ to get to know each other when each was at their worse (and smelliest). Eventually they fell in love.

Rob told CBS News: “I found myself missing her. And asking the producers, ‘Is she OK?’ I realized that I had feelings for her, I think, when she was gone. I missed her. And that’s how I knew.”

There was nothing left to do but propose: and Rob did so at the finale special. Eventually, the couple had the typical Wedding Two-Day Televised Extravaganza, and then followed it up with an appearance on the ‘Amazing Race.’ (For once they didn’t win.) They are now living out of the spotlight (for now…these two can’t stay away forever!) and recently had a baby.

5) Brad & Tory (Real World/Road Rules Challenge)

Brad and Tori met while filming ‘The Gauntlet 3.’  Amongst a sea of arguments, drunken twenty-somethings and STD spreading, a romance blossomed between them. Although hook-ups are nothing new for the RW/RR Challenge crew, this time it was the real thing! Tori and Brad announced their engagement and then competed on ‘The Duel 2’ together. Last season, they appeared on ‘The Challenge: Cutthroat’ together and realized how hard it was to be a married couple in the middle of a house full of horny reality stars. They decided to throw in the reality show towel after the Challenge (hey, at least they won money.) Tori then announced that she was pregnant and is due in July.

4) Matt & Suzy (The Biggest Loser)biggest loser

When they began on The Biggest Loser, Matt was fat. Suzy was fat. Both were unhappy. Matt had a big chip on his shoulder from day one (along with some nasty grungy hair.) As they began to lose the weight, their friendship grew. One day, hairdresser Suzy cut off Matt’s nasty hair….and a relationship bloomed. By the finale, they were in love, with Matt taking home the big prize. They eventually got married and now have two children. Although they’ve gained some of the weight back, they still are together and seem to be happy.

“We have a lot in common,” Matt told People magazine. “Going through something like we went through is life-changing. We are not the same people we were before all this and we are both at a point in our lives where we know what it’s like to be fat and miserable – and what it’s like to be happy and healthy.”

Love these guys!!!

3) Trista & Ryan (The Bachelorette)

You knew I was going to wheel these love muffins out at some point in this post. Although they are still in love and are the only couple that became on the ‘Bachelor’ or ‘Bachelorette’ to ever actually get married, I put them at Number 3 because they kind of nauseate me. Sorry.

Every time the producers of the ‘Bachelor’ need to show that “this process works,” they wheel out Trista and Ryan, who now have two kids. They married in a gaggingly-sweet ceremony that was televised on ABC in 2003. She wore shoes with huge diamonds in them…and some really ugly bangs.

2) Catelynn & Tyler (Teen Mom)

Who doesn’t love these two? At 16, Catelynn and Tyler decided that they didn’t want their baby to grow up in the white trash environment that they were subjected to as kids (white trash mom, mulleted dad in jail, etc.) They chose to give their baby to a couple who could give her the life that they felt she deserved. However, what was even more apparent during their ’16 & Pregnant’ episode, as well as on ‘Teen Mom,’ was their love for each other. Tyler supported Catelynn at all times, making millions of teenage girls (and probably some older ones too) wish that they had a Tyler too. The two have been together since junior high, and even survived their parents marrying each other. (Yeah, that sucks.) They’ve had to deal with some pretty horrible stuff in their lives, thanks to their crappy parents, but through it all, they’ve stuck together and made wise decisions. In 2010, viewers loved them so much that they donated $15,000 to help them go to college. (You can read about that here. )

1) Jenna & Ethan (Survivor)

These two get the Number 1 spot for their enduring love, despite some really tough obstacles. Technically, they didn’t actually meet while filming ‘Survivor,’ but they still count! The couple met at a ‘Survivor’ party. Both were previous winners of different seasons of the show (Ethan won ‘Survivor: Africa,’ Jenna won ‘Survivor: Amazon.’) They began a relationship, only to be side railed with terrible news: Ethan had a rare form of Hodgkin’s disease.

After he was diagnosed, Jenna told People magazine: “I will fight with every fabric of my being to get him through this.”

She kept her word, going to treatment after treatment with Ethan. After he had been in remission for a while, his cancer came back in 2009 and Jenna was right by his side.

Today, Ethan is cancer-free and the couple is still together. Although they haven’t officially taken marriage vows, I think they proved the whole “for better or worse, in sickness and in health” already!

The Ashley wishes her readers a very happy Valentine’s Day! If you don‘t have a special someone in your life….hug yourself! You must be a smart person if you’re reading The Ashley’s Reality Roundup!

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