Check Out ‘Idol’ Pia Toscano Back When She Was Just a Wedding Singer…

Pia Toscano is quickly becoming the “one to beat” on this season of American Idol. But before she was singing for votes on the television, she was singing for tips at this couples’ wedding a few years back!

The Ashley is a big fan of Pia. She has one of the strongest voices The Ashley has ever heard on Idol. (Sorry, Sanjaya, you aren’t even close.)

Mark The Ashley’s words: it will come down to Casey, James and Pia as the Final 3 this year, although she believes that Jacob Lusk is way better than the first two mentioned. It should come down to Pia and Jacob, but America’s kind of gimmicky and probably isn’t smart enough to do that.

Jacob is not only an amazing singer, but seems so cute and squishy!! The Ashley really wants to give him a hug (and plans to at the American Idol finale party!)

Anyway, enjoy the video!

One Response

  1. Wedding singers can really make the occasion so special we only ever recommend the best.

    Its great to know that others do the same.

    Love Sera De’s

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