So Much For Being the Vegas Favorite: Pia Gets an Early Boot Off of ‘Idol!’

"You should have saved your save for me, judges!"

Good thing I wasn’t betting on her in Vegas! I would have been out a whole lot of money…just like a lot of gamblers in Vegas are right now!

There’s only one thing to say after seeing tonight’s episode of American Idol: Holy crap balls!!!

In a shocking vote, favorite Pia Toscano was given the boot. Pia was actually the Vegas favorite to win the whole thing. Sportsbookguru gave Pia the best odds to win this season of American Idol at 7 to 2. (Just to put that into perspective, Karen Rodriguez and Haley Reinhert were given 40-1 odds by the site.) All those people who had their money on her to win just lost a ton of money. (Isn’t it odd to think that people bet on a singing show? People bet on everything!)

Everyone on the set, including a visible upset Jennifer Lopez, was shocked. Pia handled herself with grace and dignity, of course, but it’s sad to see her go, considering she’s vocally probably the best in the competition.

"I knew I should have bet on Scotty!"

The reason she got voted out is simple, however. She’s boring as sin. Not to be mean, but she really showed no personality throughout the season and wasn’t someone the viewer could “connect” with.

So where does everyone else stand now that Pia’s out?

Sportsbookguru had Lauren to place second, giving her 9 to 2 odds, followed by Casey and then Scotty. The Ashley thinks that Casey has just about run his course with fans and will be one of the next to go. Right now, The Ashley is thinking it’s going to be a Lauren/Scotty duel on finale night! Country fans are going to crap their pants. Ryan will probably be wearing a cowboy hat. It should be awful.

Speaking of awful, what did ya’ll think of Season 4’s Constantine coming back and turning one of the most beautiful songs ever written into the world’s longest and most painful screechfest? Seriously, that was agonizing. (It probably doesn’t help that I really don’t like him because he was rude to my sister and I during one of the American Idol finales.)

Anyway, this isn’t the first time a favorite has been voted off ‘Idol’ early. Jennifer Hudson and Chris Daughtery were both kicked off well before they deserved to go. However, Pia’s 9th place finish is below both of them. (Jennifer finished 7th, Chris finished 4th.) They’ve both gone on to fare much better than the winners of their seasons. Here’s hoping Pia gets that same opportunity!

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