2011 ‘Bachelor Pad’ Cast Partially Revealed! The Ashley Got It Right!

“I’m baaack!”

Everyone’s favorite cesspool of sleaziness will be back for a second season! That’s right, kids, grab your herpes medication and stripper heels—it’s time for Bachelor Pad! If you’re anything like The Ashley you loved this crappy show. I can’t wait until it premieres on August 8!

What’s not to like? The producers of the cheesiest shows on Earth, The Bachelor/Bachelorette, got together and picked some of the most controversial, most annoying and easy-to-make-fun-of cast members from past seasons of the Bachelor and Bachelorette, threw them all in a hot tub and sat back and let the dramatic meltdowns (and syphilis outbreaks) begin! 

Anyway, part of the cast of this summer’s Bachelor Pad has been revealed, and The Ashley is proud to say that she pretty much nailed it with her cast predictions. (You can read that story here.) So who’s going to be spreading their STDs in the Bachelor Pad pool this year? Here’s who’s been confirmed so far: 

Rozlyn Papa: Also known as the chick from Jake’s season that diddled a producer and got kicked off the show.

Justin “Rated R” Rego: Lied to America’s Sweetheart, Ali, about having a girlfriend and had one of the most pathetic exits in “Bachelorette” history.

Kasey Kahl: He was “guarding and protecting hearts” all over Ali’s season, only to be left alone on a glacier in Iceland. He now dates Jake’s former flame, Vienna.

Vienna Girardi: Former fiancé and thorn in the paw of Jake who is now dating Kasey.

Erica Rose: She was on the season of the Bachelor with Prince Lorenzo, but you’ll probably recognize her more recently from VH-1’s crap-tastic show, “You’re Cut Off.” She scares me.

Obviously, this is not the complete cast of this summer’s Bachelor Pad, but it’s a nice start. I’d also expect to see Wes, Craig, possibly Ashley Spivey (from last season…they need a sweetheart on the show. I doubt that last season’s sweetheart, Tenley, will be back on the ‘Pad’ this year.) 

Still hoping that crazy-ass Michelle Moneyfrom last season will make an appearance. I’d love to be creeped out by her again!

(Photo Credits: Vienna- Getty Images; Rozyln- Starcasm)

2 Responses

  1. I bet you believe that the characters on soaps are really
    hooking up too. You idiot, don’t you know this is what sells.
    Obviously you watched the show enough to know quite a bit
    about it. I detect a tone of jealously. Have you never been in a hot tub with the opposite sex? Probably not….Poor Pathetic you.

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