Take a Sneak Peak of ‘Teen Mom’ Season 3!


MTV has kept a tight lid on everything to do with Teen Mom Season 3, up until last night when they (finally) released one of the trailers for the new season. If you missed it, you’re pretty much out of luck, as MTV hasn’t posted it anywhere.

Luckily, The Ashley is a Master Sleuth and was able to track down Amber‘s trailer for you. It was crudely taped off of this kid’s TV and posted on YouTube, but if you guys are like me and are desperate for your fix of the original Teen Moms, you’ll gladly take it!

The Ashley is determined to find (and post) the rest of the trailers for ya’ll! Until then, enjoy!
You should watch it now in case MTV threatens to sue that kid for posting the video and then I have to take it down! Just sayin’, copyrights are a bitch!

Season 3 is going to blow your mind! The Ashley knows of a few things that will be shown that you guys will not believe! So excited!

UPDATE: Starcasm tracked down a rough version of the commercial featuring all of the girls. You can watch that here.

5 Responses

  1. What I dont understand is why they’ve already filmed the entire 3rd season, plus that finale, and we haven’t seen anything yet! They wrapped the finale in May, and the show doesnt even start until July. Do you realize how behind on events it will be??

  2. Amber is 21 years old she no longer a teen mom and the rest of the girls are on the way to be 20 year old the show is getting old and so are the girls it’s time for MTV to move on from this series and get back to actually passing music videos and stop making teenager famous for just being pregnant

  3. I can’t believe they are filming a season 4, these girls are getting boring, I only really like Catelynn from that season.

    They need for film some of the girls from season 2B.

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