Adam Lambert to Appear on Best ‘Behind the Music’ Ever!

Oh yeah people: this is happening!

The Ashley wasn’t even aware that VH-1 still makes Behind the Music, but apparently they do, and they’ve chosen to do one on the amazingly talented and ever-beautiful Adam Lambert!

One hour of staring at Adam’s gorgeous face and hearing him bag on American Idol producers? I’m so in!

According to this preview, the episode will focus on how ‘Idol’ tried to pit Adam against eventual Season 8 winner Kris Allen (whatever happened to that guy anyway?) Adam also discusses how the big-wigs at ‘Idol’ wouldn’t allow him to reveal that he was gay until after his ‘Idol’ run. The Ashley wants all the juicy details!

The episode will premiere on VH-1 this Sunday, August 7 at 10 p.m. Get your TiVos ready!

One Response

  1. your description of Adam Lambert is so true. Amazingly talent and beautiful among many other adjectives.

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