Did ‘Teen Mom’ Star Farrah Abraham Get a Nose Job?

teen mom
Looks like Farrah went under the knife...again!

It’s no secret that Teen Mom star Farrah Abraham got a little help from the plastic surgeon last year (after all, she did let the MTV cameras go into the operating room with her while she was getting her new boobies put in. Who could forget those horrific images?)

However, The Ashley is convinced that Farrah has made yet another visit to her plastic surgeon, this time to get her nose done! Of course, this is only speculation, of course, since Farrah has yet to confirm the procedure. (Perhaps we’ll get to see that on Season 4 of ‘Teen Mom?’) However, being somewhat of a nose job connoisseur (I do live in Los Angeles, Land of the Nose Job, after all) I think it’s safe to say that she had her nose done.

Farrah recently did a modeling spread for the April issue of Agenda magazine. In the new photos, her nose looks completely different from when we met her on 16 & Pregnant back in 2009.

teen momIn comparing the old photos to her recent shots, it’s hard not to notice how much thinner her nose is in the more-recent photos; also notice her once-pronounced “hump” is now smooth and straight. Of course, this could be the work of a very skilled Photoshopper (although I don’t think there is any Photoshop expert in existence that could do work this good. If you do exist, please come work for me!)

I’ve got to give Farrah credit: she has good taste in plastic surgeons! Both her breast implants and (alleged) nose job look very natural and well done.

Farrah isn’t the only ‘Teen Mom’ franchise star to go under the knife. Maci Bookout also got breast implants last year (although she’s never admitted it) and ‘Teen Mom 2’ star Jenelle Evans is planning to go under the knife to pump up her mammaries!

Update: Well, it looks like Farrah finally confirmed that she did, indeed, get a new nose, as well as a chin implant. This week’s issue of In Touch has her bandaged mug on the cover, in case you want to see it. The Ashley knows a nose job when she sees one! My guess? This was a revision from the first nose job.

(“After” Photos: Jeff Linett)

14 Responses

  1. Her nose job did not make a difference(maybe wider) it made her look older and her chin really does protrude now don’t you think?

  2. who cares what she does with her face. millions of people get plastic surgery daily and she is no different than anyone else. you guys need to be less worried about what she does with her face and child and worry about your own lives.

  3. Frontal view could be shading and photoshop. The oblique view looks like she’s had the hump softened, tip deprojected and bumped up a tad. Subtle touch, but wow what a difference!

  4. I think she may have gotten a nose job it’s a minor procedure these days every1 in Hollywood got 1! Blake Lively and Beyonce not to mention Angelina Joelie would be NOTHING without their nose jobs. I know what it’s like to have a complex about your nose if it makes her happy who cares? Y’all sound like real haters maybe you’re jealous? Haters gonna hate. As for her mother she sounds like the psycho you don’t know what Farrah had to deal with behind closed doors so don’t judge, I like her she’s a good mom.

  5. Oh my god I swear to god she’s disgusting. In the latest episode she was bitching to her Kim about how it’s her fault she has a fucked up life, but she can spend money on a boob job and now a nose job. She’s a fucking evil bitch, especially to her mother. All her mother wants to do is be in her granddaughters life and every chance Farrah gets she humiliates her and tries to manipulate her daughter to hate her too. It’s disgusting. I hope Sophia treats Farrah like she treats her mom so she gets a taste of her own venomous medicine.

  6. Farrah is such a whiney and sarcastic person that is disrepectful to her parents. She needs to leave the show!

  7. There are absolutely photoshoppers who can do this kind of work. 100% of glamour shots are photoshopped. 100%. She may have had surgery but these photos are not in any way conclusive, particularly as they are not comparable.

  8. Yep. She got the beak adjusted. Haha!!! What a wanna be! Stop being so obsessed about yourself and put your daughter first!! And be a mother rather than putting her in “school” 10 hours a day.
    You’ll never make it in the modeling business! You are short & have a big brown birth mark on your neck. And you are ugly inside and out!
    God be with you Sophia.

    1. im so sick of these supposedly famous brats getting this and that done like who gives a crap u alll need to learn how to stop being the drama queen tarts u r and get jobs peace out im sick of u all thank god ur overwith soon so i dont have to listen to u cry anymore and treat people like dirt

  9. Honestly, it’s hard to say, because in the first set of photos, the first one is an original and she is smiling. The second one may be photoshopped & she is not smiling. (You know how your nose kind of widens, so to speak, when you smile?)

    The second set of photos are at different angles, so it’s hard to tell there as well.

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