Ex-Girlfriend Warns Emily Maynard: Arie is Looking for Fame, Not Love!

Cassie, Arie’s (very flexible) ex-girlfriend

It was only a matter of time before we heard from the mysterious ex-girlfriend of Bachelorette frontrunner Arie Luyendyk, Jr. Well, time and most likely a heap of money.

Cassie Harshman, the woman that Arie dated and lived with for several years (and whose name is tattooed somewhere on Arie’s muscular body!) recently gave an interview to Star magazine in which she warns Emily not to pick Arie.

“He’s in it for the fame,” Cassie told Star. “Arie has dated hundreds of women and travels all over the world. Clearly, he doesn’t need help finding a date or someone to fall in love with.”

Cassie, Arie and her two children lived together in Arizona from late 2009 until mid-2011, when Arie moved out. Cassie and Arie finally split for good in late 2011. From what The Ashley can sleuth, Cassie has since married another guy (so she’s obviously not just talking crap on Arie because she’s jealous of his relationship with Emily.)

"Oh girl, you know you still miss me!"
“Oh girl, you know you still miss me!”

She also had some harsh words regarding Arie as a potential parent for Emily’s daughter, Ricki.

“He wasn’t the best father figure to my children,” she said in the interview. “Let’s just say that Arie has some growing up to do himself.”

I’m sure Arie is thrilled to have his dirty laundry aired by his ex-girlfriend (who he has to think about every time he looks at his tattoo of her name. This is why you don’t get other people’s names tattooed on you, kids!)

(Photos: Star, ABC)

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