“16 & Pregnant” Star Sarah Roberts: My Baby-Daddy Has Already Impregnated Another Girl!

sarah roberts
“Ladies, the line forms right over here!”

We’ve seen some really bad baby-daddies on 16 & Pregnant, but a few of the Season 4 dads took being a crappy/boyfriend/human being to a whole new level, including Sarah Roberts‘ baby-daddy, Blake. (You remember him, right? The angry ginger that liked to say mean things to Sarah and her mother, despite the fact that they took him in when no one else could stand to live with his ass.)

Anyway, after their daughter Tinleigh was born, Blake hit the bricks, going down to South Carolina to work on a shrimpin’ boat. (Raise your hand if you can’t say the words “shrimpin’ boat” without doing the Forrest Gump voice!) He claimed it was to make money to help raise Tinleigh, but according to Sarah’s Twitter, he has been doing a lot more than just working down there…he’s also allegedly already impregnated another young girl!

“How can you already have another girl pregnant when you don’t even care about the one you have,” Sarah tweeted on July 24. She then went on to tell her fans that she tried to warn Blake’s new girlfriend about his “become-a-daddy-and-ditch-’em” ways, but the girl didn’t listen.

Let this be a lesson kiddies: never date a proven Fertile Myrtle! (I think I need to make that statement into a T-shirt.)

That baby is incredibly adorable!

Who wants to take bets on how long it takes for Big Red to ditch his newest baby-momma?!

“I’d delete every single memory of Blake,” Sarah tweeted recently. “Just because I don’t want to change it, Tinleigh is perfect. I just wanna forget.”

Anyway, for her part, Sarah’s doing well on her own; she recently got accepted into a college, is holding down a job and is now in a relationship Jordan Baker, who, ironically, previously dated ’16 & Pregnant’ Season 2 star Ashley Salazar.

You can read more about what happened between Sarah and Blake after the baby was born by clicking here.

(Photos: MTV, Twitter)

10 Responses

  1. Maybe if he cut his hair and took a bath maybe he would look cute but thats not a reason to get every girl in his state pregant

  2. I don’t understand why these girls are having sex with that guy. His looks and attitude should be all the birth control needed!

  3. Who is Jordan Baker and how did this girl meet him? It’s not like she lives in TX as Ashley did. I think it’s weird that there have been a few boys bouncing from teen mom to teen mom.

  4. Lol funny how you used the fertile Myrtle reference and he lives in South Carolina. Because ya know like Myrtle Beach. I’m the only one who thought it was funny and ironic? Okay, awk…

      1. He was in GA until he moved to SC to go shrimping. Also…. he is gross and has a horrible personality!

          1. He may be from South Georgia, but he moved to South Carolina to work on the shrimp boat. He currently lives in Beaufort. -The Ashley

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