Although Season 4 of 16 & Pregnant had some of the best baby-daddies yet, there were still a couple cruddy ones that made us cringe as we watched them treat their pregnant girlfriends like crap. Sarah Roberts‘ baby-daddy, Blake Thomas, certainly is in the running for one of the worst baby-daddies ever seen on the show (and that’s hard to do considering how many slimeballs have appeared on this show!)
Looks like Blake recently had a run-in with the Hamilton County, Tennessee police! (That’s Maci Bookout territory, y’all!) Blake was picked up yesterday for driving on a suspended license. As he was being booked into the Hamilton County jail, he took this this dazzling mugshot.
He was also picked up right before Christmas, for unlawfully removing a vehicle’s registration plate. (Nope, nothing suspicious about that!)
He is scheduled to appear in court for his crimes on January 28.
In case you need a refresher, Blake was the one that left his baby-momma, Sarah, and their baby, Tinleigh, to go work on a shrimping boat and never came back! According to Sarah, he does not see Tinleigh at all. Blake has since moved to Tennessee to be with his new girlfriend, who he has, of course, knocked up already. His second child is due to be born around the end of May.
(Photo: Hamilton County Sheriff)
10 Responses
What a sad world we live in. Can ANY girl seriously be that stupid to get pregnant by this douchebag??? Unfortunately idiotic girls will keep getting pregnant by this loser and he will have 5 kids by 5 different women by the time he’s 25. The only girl I can say I feel sorry for is the first baby mama, after that you SAW what he did to Tinleigh so do you think your kid will be different?
who really cares when she had her perios, when she got knocked up or when she is due..the point is he is a deadbeat dad not what kinda cycles his baby mama has lol
You can’t possibly find out you’re pregnant at one week since you haven’t even ovulated at one week pregnant. Most pregnancy tests work around 10 days post ovulation, which would be about 3 1/2 weeks pregnant.
If this girl that he impregnated is the same girl that Sarah was talking about on July 24th then that baby would be due long before the end of May. I am currently due at the end of April / beginning of May and didnt become pregnant till the beginning of August. If Sarah (and others) already knew this girl was pregnant on July 24th she would have to have been at least 4 weeks along which would put her due date around the end of March.
I don’t disagree with your math, but she wouldn’t have to have been at least 4 weeks pregnant just because people knew about it. I don’t understand that. I found out I was pregnant first time after 3 weeks, second time after one.
The average woman has a 28 day cycle, with day 1 being the first day of her ‘time of the month’ and day 14 being the day she ovulates, and most pregnancy tests can’t tell that you’re pregnant till at least 5 days before so that’s why I said 4 weeks. Everyone is different but for the most part women don’t / can’t find out till around 4 weeks or later if you count from your LMP. *I realize I sound like a textbook, totally not trying to, this just was my major in college 🙂
you mayjored in pregnancy? anyways, then you would know your missed period is 14 days later, not 4 weeks
Actually, your missed period is 14 days after ovulation which is 14 days after your last period which makes you 4 weeks pregnant when you take the pregnancy test, according to the majority of doctors who base how many weeks pregnant you are on the date of the start of your last period. Also, I majored in early childhood psychology which included many medical based courses regarding pregnancy and conception, as well as I am currently pregnant right now, so yes I do actually know what I am talking about.
*sigh* why do these people procreate?