This Week In…’16 and Pregnant’ Girl Bump Watch

16 and pregnantIt’s no secret that the girls of 16 and Pregnant are Fertile Myrtles. Of the 47 girls that have been featured on the show, at least 11 have gotten pregnant within five years of giving birth to their first child. Of course, not all of the girls have ended up giving birth: some have chosen to get an abortion, while others miscarried their babies.

Anyway, it seems that every other month, another ’16 and Pregnant’ or ‘Teen Mom’ girl is announcing that she’s once again with child. It’s hard to keep track, so The Ashley has created this “Bump-o-Meter” to track the progress of the pregnancies. (Yes, I need a life. Yes, I need help. Yes, we shouldn’t care about this crap, but we do!)

From the least-pregnant to most likely to pop at any moment:

Farrah Abraham PregnantFarrah Abraham (Season 1): Carrying a quest for fame in her womb (and that’s about it)

TMZ announced today that our favorite backdoor ‘Teen Mom’ was “caught” (and by caught I mean waited until someone recognized her and pulled out a camera phone to capture the Kodak moment) buying an EPT pregnancy test at a grocery store. Farrah claims that she hadn’t had sex in over a year when she filmed her infamous sex tape with James Deen. (I can’t speak about her sexcapades for 2012, but multiple people have confirmed to The Ashley that in 2011, Farrah was far from celibate, and was a big fan of the one night stand.) Anyway, if Farrah is actually telling the truth for once, the only possible father if she were indeed pregnant would be James Deen. Don’t worry, Farrah, you can’t get pregnant if he uses the backdoor!

Kail Lowry PregnantKail Lowry (Season 2): About 15 weeks pregnant

Although Kail hasn’t officially confirmed her pregnancy due to her MTV contract, the news came out in March that Kail was once again expecting. The 21-year-old has kept pretty quiet since the news broke in an effort to keep the pregnancy private. This is Kail’s second child, but it will be her husband, Javi’s, first baby. MTV hasn’t officially made the announcement as to whether or not the girls will film a fifth season of ‘Teen Mom 2,’ so there’s a chance that we might get to see Kail’s pregnancy documented on the show but…yeah, basically, don’t count on that!

Taylor Adam Lind PregnantTaylor Halbur (Girlfriend of Adam Lind, Season 2): 25 weeks pregnant

The Ashley broke the story on her Teen Mom Confidential site that Taylor and Adam were, indeed, expecting a child together in August. (Wanna hear his lawyer use the new baby to try to get Adam a lesser sentence for all of his crimes? Click here!)  Taylor is the second teen girl that Adam has knocked up, the first being Chelsea Houska, who was featured on the second season of ’16 and Pregnant.’

Taylor is about 25 weeks pregnant with a baby girl. She and Adam have not revealed what they plan to name her, but I’m pretty sure it won’t be “Chelsea!”

16 and pregnantNikkole Paulun (Season 2): 26 weeks pregnant

’16 and Pregnant’ Season 2 alum Nikkole is closing in on the six-month point of her pregnancy. In February, Starcasm broke the news that 19-year-old Nikkole was pregnant with the baby of the guy she cheated on her other baby-daddy, Josh Drummonds, with. (Got all that?!) Last month she revealed on her Sulia account that she’s having another boy.

16 and pregnantDanielle Cunningham (Season 3): 33 weeks pregnant

Danielle, who’s approaching her 9th month, is currently the most pregnant out of the group. She is due on June 25 and will be having a girl, who she plans to name Jayleigh. The baby-daddy is Jamie Alderman, the same guy who fathered  Danielle’s first child. They are no longer together.

Want updates on all of the girls that ever appeared on ’16 and Pregnant?’ Pick up a copy of The Ashley’s new book, Teen Mom Confidential: Secrets & Scandals From MTV’s Most Controversial Shows! It contains exclusive interviews with many of the girls from the show, talking about everything from how they got pregnant again to what it was like to film ’16 and Pregnant!’ You can order a copy by clicking here!

(Photos: TMZ,  Twitter, Instagram)




5 Responses

  1. Danielle’s babydaddy is named Jamie, her son is Jamie Jr. and her daughter will be Jayleigh? Jamie and Jayleigh. Worse than Aliannah and Aleeah, but I guess at least Danielle has better spelling.

  2. i’ve been waiting for Farrah to come out with a fake pregnancy to try to trap James Deen in her pathetic fame lol

    1. Agreed Farrah is a famewhore she did this attention I doubt she is pregrant. She just wants people to talk about her this week again

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