File this under: “Not Shocking At All”
Former Bachelor stars Jason and Molly Mesnick took to their new podcast recently to discuss the show that made them famous: The Bachelor. In the first episode, they held nothing back when talking about the reality of reality TV.
“I’m going to throw a percentage out there, it’s probably 20% real,” Jason said of ‘The Bachelor’ and ‘Bachelorette.'”The first person I met was someone from the story department. I thought, ‘What the hell is someone from the story department doing on a reality show? It makes sense to me now, they have to kind of piece the story together.”
Molly, who met Jason on the show, revealed that most of the stunts the guys are pulling on ‘The Bachelorette’ this season are most likely dreamed up by the producers.
“I do think there is some reality to these shows but I know that some of it is pretty orchestrated,” she said. “I will sit there and watch ‘The Bachelorette’ and see these guys doing something stupid and I will have a general reaction…when really I know he probably didn’t do that and was probably coerced into doing it.”
Molly admitted that the producers even coerced her into doing things she didn’t want to do.
“The very first group date we were on we had this pool party and there was a talent competition and a producer pulled me aside and said ‘Go pull Jason away and tell him that your special talent is making out,'” she said. “And I was like, ‘I’m not doing that, that’s the most ridiculous thing in the world’ and she said, ‘Well, if you don’t, then I won’t give you any one-on-one time with Jason and then he’ll end up sending you home.’
“They wouldn’t let me have any personal time with you so I had to do it,” she revealed. (Anyone else think that’s completely effed up!?)
Jason also revealed that, after swapping his original pick, Melissa Rycroft, for Molly on national TV, he went through a very dark time.
“Back in 2009 I was the most hated man in America,” he said. “That was one of the most horrible times in my life. Back then it completely sucked and it was pretty much all my fault. I, on TV, hurt Melissa. Because I did that, the media went crazy on me.”
(Photo: ABC)