“Teen Mom 2” Dad Adam Lind’s Girlfriend Goes Into Labor on Labor Day!

Two daughters by age 22! Adam’s on a roll!

It’s looks like Adam Lind‘s girlfriend, Taylor Halbur, took “Labor Day” to a whole new meaning! The Teen Mom 2 baby-daddy is about to become a father for the second time (he’s already daddy to Chelsea Houska‘s daughter, Aubree).

Taylor has gone into labor, just one day before she was scheduled to be induced. She was about a week overdue, as her due date was supposed to have been August 27.

While Taylor hasn’t officially confirmed anything (probably because she’s busy pushing a human being through her loins!), she did retweet an encouraging message from a pal regarding the birth of the baby.


There’s a good chance that MTV will be on-hand to capture the birth of Adam and Taylor’s little girl (rumored to be named Paisley), as they are still filming for Season 5 of “Teen Mom 2.”

Congrats to Adam and Taylor…we all know that Adam is capable of helping to produce ridiculously adorable babies. Aubree is literally one of the cutest kids The Ashley has ever seen!

UPDATE: The first photo of Adam, Taylor and their daughter has been posted. Baby Paislee weighed in at 7 lbs!

adam lind second baby

(Photo: Twitter)




11 Responses

  1. My father once had a pearl of wisdom about my shiny new “husband to be” – (although I did not find it amusing-or likely even true at the time – wish I had ..)

    “Pay attention to how is treating his Ex-wife – how he treats her, and how he handles with matters about their daughter (he had one) – it could be you one day —- and it was !

    I wish them the best and hope I am totally wrong.

  2. What a douche bag. Like oh yeah i have another daughter but i dont love her mother so im starting a whole new family to screw over again

  3. I agree with Me2. In their pictures together they look happy. Hell Adam’s smiling, don’t think I’ve ever seen that before. Obviously he and Chelsea just aren’t meant to be.

  4. Maybe she hadn’t seen him on TV when they met? Maybe people change? I’m not a huge Adam fan, but the comments I see trashing Taylor’s choices are just silly. Does no one deserve a second chance? If one isn’t compatible with one person, does that mean they will never be compatible with anyone? If those two are happy, good for them.

  5. I can’t believe that after seeing him on Teen Mom 2 that ANY girl, no matter HOW desperate, would actually date him, let alone get pregnant by him! Good luck to this girl, because this guy is a deadbeat all the way around.

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