Sean Lowe to Release Tell-All Book About ‘The Bachelor’

"At least there's no rap CD included!"
“At least there’s no rap CD included!”

If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be a good, Christian boy on a show where smut and sex reign supreme, Sean Lowe is about to tell you.

The former Bachelor star announced today that he has written a tell-all book about his experience on the skanky reality show! The book, which will be released on January 27, 2015, is called…wait for it… For the Right Reasons: America’s Favorite Bachelor on Faith, Love, Marriage, and Why Nice Guys Finish First.

We ‘Bachelor’ fans will never again hear the phrase “right reasons” without having this horrorfest come to mind.

Anyway, Sean’s book promises to tell readers about the “backstage drama that fuels ‘The Bachelor’ and ‘The Bachelorette,’ as well as “the personal struggle and Christian faith that have made him the man he is today.” He will also discuss how he overcame heartbreak (from his breakup with Emily Maynard) to “find his true love.”

In addition, Sean’s book will cover, “the keys to pursuing purity in the cynical, sexually charged Hollywood culture.”

The book’s description on Amazon gives more details:

For the Right Reasons is about the journeys we all have to take in the real world, where being “good” is the right thing to do but sometimes doesn’t seem to be enough; where betrayal is commonplace; and where that thing called perfection is actually just a cruel myth. Sean learned a few things from his two seasons on the hottest romance shows on television, and he wants others to benefit from those lessons: good does eventually win, lies will be discovered, and “nice guys” do ultimately finish first.

Of course, Sean is not the first person from the ‘Bachelor’ franchise to release a book. Several other cast members, including Trista Sutter and Melissa Rycroft, have also written books about their time on the show. However, Courtney Robertson‘s book, which came out in June, is perhaps the most explosive tell-all to  released about the series. Not only did it go into graphic detail about Courtney’s sex life with her former ‘Bachelor’ fiance, Ben Flajnik, but it gave an accurate description of what it’s actually like behind the scenes of the show, something Sean’s book will likely just gloss over (being that he wants to maintain a friendly relationship with the show’s production team and network.)

Still, it sounds like it will talk a lot about his struggle to maintain his faith while appearing on the show, so it could be kind of interesting, especially if he talks about things he refused to do on the show!

If you’d like to pre-order Sean’s book, click the link below!

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