Farrah Abraham Attacks Maci Bookout on Twitter: See the Reactions of Other ‘Teen Mom OG’ Stars

I've got 10 bucks on Maci; she's small but seems scrappy.
I’ve got 10 bucks on Maci; she’s small but seems scrappy.

Last night’s episode of Teen Mom OG got extremely heated when Farrah Abraham confronted her co-star Maci Bookout about the escalating tension between them. While the onscreen exchange ended with Maci getting up and leaving the room, Farrah’s verbal assault of Maci continued last night on Twitter– and it had the whole ‘Teen Mom’ gang commenting.

(Think of it as a Jerry Springer Show episode with a grossly overpaid cast of characters!)

Below are some of Farrah’s more aggressive tweets toward Maci.(The Ashley has kept the misspellings intact to preserve the “Farrah” aspect of them, and added her own comments in italics!)

  • “Maci is still scared #Lmao well when she stops lieing/being immature with the rest  might be hope of me associating w/them.”
  • “I wonder if her book is full of lies like her mouth #Coward  #lier”  (The irony of Farrah calling anyone a liar hasn’t been lost on The Ashley!)
  • “@Macibookoutmtv thinks she’s strong& #bulletproof wish I had stronger women on my cast. (This was obviously a dig at Maci’s new book, Bulletproof.)
  • “Should we all ask after the #MayPac hug if Maci is ever going to mature -enjoy watching yourself”  (I’m sorry…what now?)
  • “Happy I’m not rushing being engaged or having babies”

The whole time Farrah was barking at her via the Internet, this was Maci’s reaction.

That face you make when you thought your tweet was clever but was actually full of misspellings.
That face you make when you thought your tweet was clever but was actually full of misspellings.

Anyway, the episode (and Farrah’s Twitter attack) were enough to get some of the other ‘Teen Mom OG’ cast members to weigh in. Most seemed to side with Maci.

Even Ryan Edwards, Maci’s usually comatose baby-daddy, was on Team Maci. He responded to one of Farrah’s tweets about Maci.

“WTF does this even mean? I think when you take dick in your a** you shouldn’t be able to talk about anyone,” Ryan wrote.

Ryan’s parents, Jen and Larry Edwards, also reacted to watching the fight scene.

“Omg Papa Larry just flipped his SH*T!!!  And he never comments on Teen Mom OG!” Jen tweeted. “I’d love to tweet what he just said but it’s a little scary! And there is one thing you can’t buy and that is CLASS !”

Catelynn Lowell managed to keep her thoughts off social media last night, but ended up posting a tweet that was obviously about Farrah this afternoon.

“Let’s talk about being mature we don’t sit on our phones and tweet about you 24/7 we forgot you even existed,” she wrote.

One person did side with Farrah, however. Farrah’s mother Debra Danielson posted a tweet about the Maci/Farrah spat in which she showed support to her daughter.

“#Macibookout busted by #farrahabraham ! Yeah! Calling out for all hear! Love #AmberPortwood and her integrity!” Debra posted, and then (strangely) followed it up by posting, “Be kind, compassionate, & forgiving to each other in the same way God forgave you! #teamfarrah Go!”

Yes, Farrah, please just…go….

Of course, The Ashley will be recapping Monday’s episode of ‘Teen Mom OG,’ so stay tuned!

(Photos: MTV)




55 Responses

  1. poor litle sophia, i junt feel so bad for her… had a crazy mother, granma and a granpa that is a plant… please MTV let Farrah do her porn thing and bring benny back! i miss him!!!

  2. Initially, when Teen Mom first aired, Farrah’s parents seemed just like most normal parents, giving advice and trying to guide Farrah to be a good mother, and to study so that she would have qualifications to embark on a career to support herself and her child. However, they now come across as embarassing individuals. Farrah’s mother was often quoting ‘God’ this, and ‘God’ that, and saying how everything was against their religion. Moreover, I found it odd that people of faith had no compassion for Derek or his family’s grief, and the way that they treat people per se. Now her mother plays down her porn career saying it’s just a tiny part of who she is!!! that quote on Being Farrah, ‘this is not who we are’ well who are they!Farrah is a stripper, porn actress, she sells moulds of her private parts for a living. Farrah’s mother obviously uses the same plastic surgeon as Farrah, and seems to be behaving more and more like Farrah, desperate for attention at any price however humiliating.

  3. Farrah may try to hold it all in when she was asked how she felt about Maci quitting but you could see on her strained scary looking face how disturbed she was. I wonder if Maci heard Farrah say that her current boyfriend was probably looking at her back door, when I heard that I thought shit was going to fly. Maci won’t be pregnant forever. It is a fact that Farrah did a porno, maybe even more than one, when you google her image it comes up with the porno pictures right next to the pictures of her holding her little girl. I don’t believe Farrah or her Mom are fit to raise that baby girl. I think Derrick’s family should file for custody. The porno and the stuff on the show would be in their favor. Farrah’s boyfriend is just out for sex and some tv time. If he ever thought of marrying Farrah or even bringing her home to meet his family, that boys Mother would put a stop to that relationship, I know if she was messing with my son, and I knew she did a porn film he would either have to get rid of her or get out of the family.

  4. Farrah has spent so much money ‘fixing’ the outside when inside is the real problem. And even the best plastic surgeon can do anything for her bad attitude and rude personality.

  5. Don’t know if you all saw the aftershow (don’t remember if it was this week or the last week) but I was actually impressed by the way Amber tried to communicate with Farrah about the tweet she put out about the others not putting their kids on their book covers. I thought Amber did a good job of explaining how the tweet was received by the other OG’s. Farrah of course was completely incapable of seeing anyone else’s perspective but her own. I loved the part where Amber realized this and turned away from her and back to the host and said “this is where I get pissed .” She basically just said she was done with that issue with Farrah and was moving on. I felt that this was a big improvement to The “old Amber’s” angry reactions. Yes I know she is still making some poor decisions, I just felt that this moment showed some positive change in her.

  6. Im am 100000000000000000000 percent teeamMaci get farrah of teen mom. And bring Bentley back please

  7. I don’t believe for a second that Simon is a real boyfriend to Farrah. I’m sure it’s all manufactured. He acts like he can hardly stand her.

      1. Maby because she’s a wicked witch pornstar?Her personality don’t mather,just her performance in the bedroom.I’m just guessing?

      1. That just isn’t true. Ratings for episode 4 were 1.472 million viewers. Farrah came back episode 5 and the ratings have only gone up since. Last week’s ratings were 1.855 which is considered “very strong.” Farrah is apparently ratings gold.

        Starcasm laid out all the ratings if you’re curious.

  8. Deborah is just as narcissistic and delusional as Farrah. They both both crave attention and will do anything to be recognized even if it means looking like a psycho on TV. Things are not looking good for little Sophia.

  9. I hate that I’m missing Bentley to watch this fool. The whole reason I watch this show is to see the kids grow up, not to see Farrah act like the Queen of Sheeba. She can’t honestly expect to be taken seriously anymore.

  10. I guess it is entertainment in a weird way. Farrah is reminding more and more of a plastic princess jasmine doll than a human. Ugly.

  11. I can’t even stand to look at Farrah at this point. All the girls showed class when Farrah confronted Maci. I think they held back too much, but I applaud their restraint. Farrah is just insufferable and despicable, who is in dire need of psychiatric help. Her parents are despicable too. What a sick, twisted family. I can’t figure Simon out. If he has one brain cell he wouldn’t be with Farrah. It’s uncomfortable to even watch them together, and he seems to be there only physically, like he’s laughing about her behind her back. He has to be insane and/or fame hungry. I miss Bentley. Please get this beyond stupid porn star off the show and bring back Bentley!

  12. Farrah’s whole problem is she dares anyone to REMIND her that doing porn is WRONG!!! She is the worst self centered, nasty, mean spirited bratt I have ever seen in my life. Her parents are absolutely terrified if they dare say anything wrong to her she’ll take Sophia away from them. If i were her parents, i,d say here,s your kid, good bye and good luck! Call me when you can treat me with respect. Not a minute sooner!Now her mother is ‘teamfarrah’ are you joking Deborah?!?!? She’s had you arrested, THEN you move out of your own home because of a restraining order FOR HER?! I have 3 daughters, ages 33, 32, and 29 so I know what I’m talking about. No kid of mine would talk to me like she does (yes mother & MICHAEL) you two are becoming as notoriously laughed at as your daughter is. Sorry to say Miss Farrah, but there’s nothing wrong with EVERYONE ELSE….. JUST YOU.

  13. I don’t really like either of them and the episode sucked! Bye Bye OG..I doubt you’ll have another season

  14. Farrah is trash.She talks about maturity,but refuse te look in the mirror.Maci should ignored her completly,Farrah is not worth to get her attention.

  15. Farrah needs to be off teen mom. She absolutely is giving this season a bad rep. All she keeps saying to her boyfriend is how she is going to f*** him. I mean seriously?? I agree 100% with Maci I would not want my son and daughter associated with a prostitute. Which is what Farrah is, just because she did a porn, doesn’t change the fact that she SOLD HER BODY FOR MONEY, which makes her a PROSTITUTE. AND talk about being fake, Farrah, can you please tell the world what on you isn’t fake??? You are a plastic Barbie that thinks this world revolves around you, and it doesn’t. Maci has worked her ass off, and you have always had everything handed to you, with your rich parents. I love Maci, Catelynn, and Amber, and I hate Farrah being on the show. She said last night, she was there because she wanted to be, hmmm you just want to be on tv in the spotlight, no matter how you get there. #prostitute

    1. Thank you! I can’t stand when people say there is a big difference between being a hooker and being a porn star. There really isn’t. To be honest though, the porn thing isn’t really what bothers me about Farrah. It’s her bad attitude and sense of entitlement. She thinks her shit don’t stink and acts like she’s superior to everyone around her, including the Teen Mom production crew. She should be bowing down to them for God’ sake. She wouldn’t of even gotten all that money from her “backdoor” experience if she hadn’t of been on this show.

  16. I’ve watched Teen Mom since it came on in 2009. It’s beyond ridiculous now. The whole show is Farrah coming back and Maci pretending to quit, she didn’t we all know she wouldn’t because outside of the MTV gravy train, she has never had a real job! The show is about of 20 somethings that really having nothing going on, haven’t finished a bachelors degree, most haven’t even started, and have done nothing with their lives despite the huge gifts they have ALL received. The show is beyond boring now, that’s why they run Jersey Shore episodes right before it comes on, because the ratings are so bad, MTV is hoping to get some nostalgia viewers. It’s boring now, if they don’t talk about Farrah on the show and Maci making believe she’s quitting, what is there to talk about? Amber’s boyfriend who is just using her for his 15 minutes and her being too blind to see it? So desperate for a warm body next to her, she’ll take anything with a pulse, she is such a loser, jail or no jail she will always be a loser. My prediction is it won’t be back for a new season, the ratings are just too low, and these losers are doing nothing of note with their lives.

  17. I pray to God that Farrah gets psychiatric help ASAP. Actually, her whole family needs it. Poor Sophia has to be raised by a bunch of psychos.

    1. Farrah is stuck on herself she had surgery on her lips which make look like duck lips she is a immature person that thinks everyone should bow down to her she really needs to group up

  18. I’m sorry, but doesn’t Farrah have a masters? Why can’t she put together a sentence that makes sense? Her professors should be fired.

    1. No, she has a Culinary Arts AA degree. Which is more than Maci, who’s been working on her AA degree for more than 7 years.

      1. At least Maci is working her ass off and is working towards a degree that she plans on making something out of herself with and doing it the RIGHT way, no matter how long it may take her. Farrah seems to really be putting that Culinary Arts degree to work by filming a sex tape and promoting herself for money, right?

  19. Farrah Abraham, you are a sad, sad creature. You have no morals, no class or dignity. Too bad plastic surgery can’t fix your personality and all you got going for you is prostitution, but even that won’t last forever.

  20. I was pretty disappointed that maci didn’t lay Farrah out (verbally not physically). She talks a pretty big game online, but face to face she held back way too much. Maci girl, let Farrah know what everyone who watches Teen Mom thinks!!!! (You’d be completely justified in doing so)

      1. I Farah thinKS she is better than everyone else she talks down to people. I have never seen her get along with anyone.

  21. Surprise surprise. Ferrah like always being drama just because she hates that no one wants her nasty azz maci yur my #1 fan yuh go girl yuh dont have to go down with ferrahz trashy azz that bitch is jelly ugh she gets on my last fukken nurvz and someone need to fuk her up .

  22. Farrah needs to let Maci explain herself. It’s not about Farrah personally, she just don’t want her child associated with the things Farrah does. I wouldn’t let my child on a television show that has a porn star. And that’s what Farrah is, she turned porn star once she started going to those damn porn conventions and making sec toys. She says Maci must need the money, well yeah she does cause she didn’t sell her ass for a million bucks. Farrah makes herself look stupid. Oh and the tweet about not rushing to get engaged, well that’s hard to do when no one wants to marry a woman who had her ass plastered all over the Internet.

    1. exactly, she starts talking marraige in 2 weeks with every guy she dates, it’s so stupid. like how not to run a man off 101! #2 would be don’t baby talk him lol. but i did lose a lil respect for maci cuz of how scared she was and how fake she was before farrah saw the trailer. she was really scared! she talked a lot of shit and alot of it’s valid, why back down in the face of it? that thing w amber was hilarious though and perfectly demonstrated how farrah screws herself. amber’s done nothing but stand up for her then she bashes her? she’s just crazy and really needs to learn how to spell

  23. when Farrah said she’s not a porn star because she doesn’t have a porn name i almost wet myself laughing. LOL

      1. Remember yall… her taped got “leaked”. Come on no one believes that. She needs to get over herself someone that is so rude to her parents and others isn’t worth a thing. What she needs to do is go back to school and learn to spell. “LIEING” girl bye.

    1. Yeah she’s not real bright. I think they should take her off the show and bring back bentley. Farrah has no class she gets plastic surgery to look better but she looked better before surgery to bad she can buy glass. Beauty fades stupid is forever

  24. Lord have mercy. Can they get rid of Farrah and bring back Bentley?…..BUT I will admit this Twitter feud was HILARIOUS. Farrah and her mother are complete imbeciles

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