Jeremy Calvert & Brooke Wehr Confirm ‘Teen Mom 2’ Scene Was Fake & Leah Messer Had Nothing to Do With Their Breakup

“I done lied, y’all! Brooke ain’t crazy!”

The saga of Teen Mom 2 star Jeremy Calvert and his ex-fiance Brooke Wehr continues!

On the most recent episode of ‘Teen Mom 2’ (which was filmed back in February), Jeremy revealed that he and Brooke had broken up, and that Brooke went crazy when she found out that Jeremy and his ex-wife Leah Messer had spoken on the phone for about 35 minutes about their daughter’s school plan.

On Tuesday, though, Brooke and Jeremy both spoke out about the episode, claiming that the scene was edited to look like Jeremy’s interaction with Leah was the cause of their split. Both Brooke and Jeremy confirmed that Leah had nothing to do with their break-up.

In a video posted to her Instagram account, Brooke revealed the real reason she broke up with Jeremy.

“I didn’t do a ding-dang thing!”

“It had absolutely nothing to do with Leah,” Brooke said. “Leah’s name was never brought up…Him and I had never even had an argument that even involved her name.”

Brooke then revealed who Jeremy was actually talking to during the 35-minute phone conversation in question.

“I did not just completely lose my s**t,” Brooke said. “He came home from work and started arguing with me. I had logged onto the AT&T to see where he had talked to [a girl named] Abby for 35 minutes behind my back. He also had her name under ‘Tim’ in his phone. I’m sure you guys remember this playing out in February on our social media, so that shouldn’t be a surprise. That did happen, but that wasn’t about Leah at all, and it definitely had nothing to do with Addie going to school at all. It was about him talking to Abby under ‘Tim’ and trying to hide it. It was just shady so of course I was upset about it.

“I just felt like that that needed clarified because that whole entire conversation, from the beginning to the end was complete bullcrap. All of it was a lie.”

As The Ashley reported at the time this all went down, Jeremy and Brooke’s breakup got nasty, with Brooke started accusing Jeremy of sleeping with other girls, including ‘Teen Mom 2’ Producer Mandy. (Again, for the record, Producer Mandy and Jeremy never hooked up– EVER.)

Anyway, Jeremy also admitted that the episode was edited for dramatic purposes.

“In the episode you saw Monday, Brooke came off as crazy, which she isn’t at all,” Jeremy told Real Mr. Housewife on Tuesday. “It was all my fault during that time. Also the reason we broke up wasn’t because of me and Leah talking for that long about Addie’s preschool stuff. It was over me talking to a different girl. Period. It had nothing to do with the way me and Leah co-parent for our child and communicate. Just would like to address the correct version of what happened. That all was talked about, but was edited out of the episode last night.

“I basically lied to make myself look better than what I truly did,” Jeremy added. “Which I shouldn’t have done but I did so now I’m trying to set the record straight. And also she never threw my s**t everywhere and didn’t lose her s**t like I stated in the episode.”

Jeremy and Brooke have provided plenty of drama for ‘Teen Mom 2’ fans this year. After this incident occurred, they got back together, but broke up again a few months later. Once again, fans believed that Leah was the cause of that breakup (due to Jeremy posting a photo of him and Leah on social media), but Jeremy denied that he and Leah are any more than co-parents.

Jeremy and Brooke aren’t the only ‘Teen Mom 2’ cast members who are unable with the editing of this week’s ‘Teen Mom 2’ episodes. Both Chelsea Houska and Kail Lowry recently spoke out on social media about how certain scenes were put together.

(Photos: Instagram, MTV)

20 Responses

  1. I didn’t think these two were stupid enough to give it another go, but judging by Jeremy suddenly claiming he made the whole thing up, I’m guessing I was wrong. The whole thing is utterly ridiculous. They clearly are back together now, and Brooke is embarrassed that Jeremy aired her dirty laundry for everyone to see. Now he’s backtracking and pretending that Brooke is an Angel and taking the gal for the whole ordeal. Meanwhile, Brooke did interviews claiming Jeremy never sees Addie and dumps her at his mom’s house. And y’all wonder why the poor girl cries whenever she has to leave Jeremy.

  2. I thought they actually broke up bc Jeremy cheated w Chelsea Houska teen mom editor. Wasn’t that the srtory months ago?

    1. Yeah apparently, according to Brooke, Jeremy put his wiener in every vagina on planet earth. He denied it though.

  3. For the love of god would someone pin her down and fix her eyebrows!!! I can’t coz I’m in australia but this girl needs help stat.
    Nearly as bad as Jenelle the felon

  4. You’d think after 8 years these people would understand how reality TV works. The word “reality” is used very loosely. The viewers want to see drama. That’s why they edit scenes to make it look more dramatic. If these people can’t accept that scenes are tweaked by the editors then don’t sign your $200k (or however much their outrageous overpaid check is) contract! It’s that simple.

  5. Simple solution really …. if these ‘stars’ of MTV don’t like how they are being edited … don’t sign on for next season …. go out and get real jobs …. for the very first time in your lives and see if your new employers will let you work for 4 months out of the year , throw tantrums when you don’t get your own way ( looking at you Kailyn when you refuse to film and go nuclear on the producers ) and complain constantly how hard life is with the cameras …

    Keep biting the hand that feeds you dumb asses ….

  6. I’m confused. Did Leah know that Jeremy was lying about Brooke supposedly seeing they talked for 30 minutes on the phone bill and then breaking up with Jeremy over it? She never acted like she was confused or didn’t know what he was referring to. She seemed like she didn’t really care though.

  7. “Needed clarified”? I’ve noticed this is a thing the past few years. Where did it come from, and how hard is it to say/type “to be”?

  8. call bullshit. Mtv may have editing techniques but they don’t tell people what to say. Everything that they are saying is fake came out of Jeremy’s own mouth. That has nothing to do with editing. And Brooke herself posted a bunch of stuff about Jeremy on social media when they broke up. She made herself look crazy (or just a really bitter, jealous girlfriend), not Mtv.

  9. so jeremy lied to leah during their filmed facetime call and wants to say that’s editing? i’m confused!

    1. Exactly. He was telling the truth. Now that things are calm, he regrets saying it on camera and is blaming Mtv lol. It’s like, come on dude. People aren’t stupid.

      1. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. Brooke probably called him out for talking to that Abby chick (as she says in her insta video), but probably also mentioned something about Leah. Jeremey then turned around and blamed the whole thing on Brooke being jealous of Leah. We all know Jeremey has a tendency to blame others for their mistakes and leave out his own. Hence the way he cheated on Leah throughout their marriage, but was silent on that when publicly calling her out for her own cheating. SMH.

  10. Seems like they’re legitimately doing a better job co-parenting, and while it looks like Addie is having a little trouble adjusting it will be so much easier for her to be happy and healthy if her parents are getting along. Really hopeful and glad to see that.

  11. Teen mom “stars”, don’t bite the hands that feed you. If you want to work a regular job and drive $40,000 vehicles, you best bite yo tongue!

    1. I think Jeremy makes enough to bite. He’ll just get a swat on the nose with the rolled up article. Lol. It’s just extra money to him. As for the rest, this is definitely true.

    2. Well, Jeremy is one of the few that does work a regular job but he has his “Adam moments” where he blames Mtv for making him look bad when these words came out of his own mouth. It’s ridiculous.

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