Jill & Derick Dillard Disband Family Ministry & Are No Longer Asking ‘Counting On’ Fans for Money

“There are still plenty of Catholics to convert in Arkansas, y’all!”

Derick and Jill Dillard of TLC’s Counting On have finally closed up shop on their much-scrutinized ministry.  Following an announcement on their family website that they would not be returning to the mission field in Central America, the couple posted a note on the website of the Duggar Family website regarding the status of Dillard Family Ministries, the organization they formed in 2015.

“Beginning this month, we are discontinuing Dillard Family Ministries and will no longer be accepting donations through this organization,” the couple’s statement wrote. “Through a number of circumstances, and guided by much prayer and counsel, we are discerning the Lord leading our family’s full-time ministry back to the United States for the time being.”

While the couple did not reveal why they are shuttering their ministry, The Hollywood Gossip reported last month that “no recognized institution would grant the Dillards a license or funding to work as missionaries” and that their applications to the International Mission Board was rejected. The site stated that the Southern Baptist Convention also rejected Jill and Derick’s application because the couple did not meet the organization’s ministry requirements.

To be recognized by the SBC, missionaries “must complete at least 12 college credit hours comprising three hours each of new testament survey, old testament survey, biblical or systematic theology, as well as elective courses in general ministry.” (Neither Derick or Jill did this. Derick holds a college degree in accounting and Jill has never attended college.)

The couple formed their tax-exempt ministry in 2015 using donations from their fans. The focus of the ministry was to bring their brand of Christianity to the people of Central America. Jill, Derick and their son Israel left for Central America in 2015, and shuttled back and forth from El Salvador to their hometown in Arkansas.

The couple posted frequent updates on their website during their time in Central America. They held workshops, preached to gang members, played soccer with the locals, and worked tirelessly to convert the local Catholics.

“If you feel the need to support our mission we would be so thankful to have you as a partner,” Derick wrote in 2105, directing people to the website where they could donate.

Shortly after the Dillards arrived in Central America, fans started to question their use of donated funds. Many wondered why Jill and her family were spending so much money flying back and forth from Central America to Arkansas for things like weddings and bridal showers.

“Are you for real?” asked one fan at the time. “You left in July for missionary work and in the three months you have been back twice and airfare is thousands! Now you are staying for a month to enjoy family and friends? You are not missionaries; you are grifters asking people for money so you don’t have to work.”

Jill and Derick never really answered their fans’ questions about how the donations were being spent, but they did offer to refund any donations, should the person who donated to their ministry want their money back.

A look at Twitter leads us to believe that Jill and Derick have taken jobs at Cross Church, a ministry that is targeted toward college students in Arkansas. According to the Collegiate and Young Leaders of the Arkansas State Conventions, members and pastors make over 100 one-on-one visits with college students weekly and perform numerous baptisms.

Derick and Jill recently posted photos of themselves at Cross Church’s cookout event.

“Jill, Israel, Sam, and I had a blast this evening at the #C3cookout We’re excited to be joining the @c3crosschurch team!” Derick tweeted.

It is not known whether or not Derick and/or Jill are being paid for their work with the church, or if their only steady income comes from appearing on ‘Counting On.’

When Derick married Jill, he was working a stable job as a tax accountant for Walmart, but he quit that job in June 2015.

We will probably see all of this play out on the next season of ‘Counting On. (You know TLC is going to milk this major life change for all it’s worth!)

The new season of the show premieres in September.

(Photo: Facebook)

30 Responses

  1. They have used that exact same “discerning the lord” line, almost word for word, countless times over the last two years. In fact, it’s their go to response.
    I do not think they actually write/type/create their own posts. I believe the vast majority of what they say is hand fed to them, and regurgitated back to the public.

    I also don’t doubt that the lack of funding is why they stopped. A lot of people demanded refunds after the last fiasco, and NO church (even their own) would actually support them, financially, or otherwise. There is no way in hell the amount of money the received went to converting Catholic heathens…err, sorry…their “ministry services”. I’m guessing they finally got caught red handed by the wrong person for squandering away funds.

    1. lol “Catholic heathens”! yes, they are threatened by a religion that actually helps educates people. the horror!

  2. What a load of rubbish….. the only people who questioned them is horrid ridiculous crappy sites like Hollywood gossip, this page and other moronic lie sites that say things that trolls and people with no brains believe.
    If you are going to post this – WHERE is the proof of any accusation apart from the fact we know they are staying? Not posting- that’s because this is all made up rubbish.

    1. You’re telling others they have no brains, yet you cannot even create coherent and intelligible thoughts, much less properly articulate them.

      That’s a mighty fine rock you’ve got there, you might want to duck and cover before throwing it at that glass ceiling.

  3. Crooks! Get a job and quit living off your fans, and quit using religion to judge people who do not not have your cult like mentality, these two make me sick.

  4. My guess is that it is because Jill couldn’t have a healthy baby while living in Central America. So, it was either “converting” Catholics who basically all ready believe in Jesus and god or make sure Jill have a truck load of kids.

  5. Thank god Derick cut that long hair, even though it still looks wretched. I don’t understand why none of the girls are allowed to work.

  6. I think Jill did do at least some college courses online. I recall her talking about biology classes for her midwifery training. Mission work is hard though and its good that ministries are requiring more training. Decades ago when my grandparents were missionaries they said so many young couples are woefully unprepared. Stability is key for a family to survive whether they’re overseas as missionaries or here in the states as an average family. Hopefully this point gets across to the duggars.

    1. That is for a college certificate, not a degree, I went to my local community college and some classes where mixed with degree students and certificate students.

  7. Derek looks like he and Jeffery Dahmer had the same barber.
    So Counting On is still 42 Duggars and Counting, they just call it something else?
    How did people not get sick of these people 14 kids ago?

  8. At least she looks happy not have to be dragged somewhere she doesn’t want to go. (But ofc, she had no say in this)

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