Brooke Wehr Reveals Surprising Status of Her Relationship with ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Jeremy Calvert

“Jeremy + Brooke 4 eva”

Jeremy Calvert‘s engagement to Brooke Wehr ended in an explosion of social media rants, ridiculous accusations and a bunch of drama this past spring, but it appears that the “Ross and Rachel” of Teen Mom 2 are giving their relationship yet another try!

They were photographed together last weekend while attending a concert.

On a recent episode of ‘Teen Mom 2,’ Jeremy explained to his ex-wife Leah Messer that Brooke broke up with him over an extended phone conversation he had with Leah. Brooke and Jeremy both later stated that their break-up had nothing to do with Leah, and that MTV just edited it to look like Leah was the cause to add more drama.

It is unknown if Jeremy and Brooke are engaged again, or if they are just dating. It’s also unknown if the couple will try (once again) to launch their failed joint clothing line.

Long live #CalvertWehr!

Note from The Ashley: The original version of this story included Facebook quotes from Brooke that discussed her relationship with Jeremy. Those have since been proven to be fake and have been removed. However, everything else in the original story is correct.

(Photo: Facebook)


16 Responses

  1. Uh what about his allegations that Brooke purposely limited the amount of time he spent with his daughter. Ah well they both lack good qualities and appear to be the same type – like sling vile insults and air their laundry across the social media.

    I do notice Leah is primarily with Leah in the filming, it looks like Corey and Miranda do take care of the other girleses or they are at school during those filmed segments.

  2. Teen Mom wisdom: it’s better to wait for a Cole than to settle for a David, Jeremy, Adam, Nathan, Matt… (this is where I shall cut off the sentence, since it’s going to go on for a loooong time)

    1. oh yes I would rather wait a lifetime for a Cole then to waste a day settling for the other losers. Leah’s first baby daddy corey seemed like a great guy… until her cheated on his wife with Leah.

  3. I smell a fake story for ratings. That’s what happens when you sell your soul to the devil! They probably never broke up and MTV told Jeremy what to say. It’s funny how Leah never complained about being the blame for the breakup. This is as bad as fake news! Don’t believe any of it.

  4. What I hated most about their previous breakup is how much they foul mouthed each other when they did. You don’t do that to the person you loved to matter what he put you through. They are both very immature and they have kids!

    1. Yes but would he be a CELEBRITY?! Who needs self-respect when you can have a guy made famous for spreading his seed.

  5. MTV edited it to make it seem like Leah was the cause for breakup? I thought it came straight of his mouth that she got made they had talked on the phone and threw his stuff out. Does MTV edit words together to make that statment??

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