‘Teen Mom 2’ Stars Javi Marroquin & Briana DeJesus Have Split

Trouble in ‘Teen Mom 2’ Paradise?

Another Teen Mom franchise has bit the dust!

The Ashley can confirm that Javi Marroquin and Briana DeJesus, who made their relationship official in October after filming the Teen Mom 2 Reunion special,  have ended their long-distance relationship.

On Monday evening, Javi tweeted that he had a “rough weekend,” and The Ashley can confirm that he has changed his relationship status back to “Single” on Facebook.

Briana, in turn, has deleted all of her tweets (as per usual), and both Javi and Briana have scrubbed each other’s photos off of their Instagram accounts!

Javi and Briana’s relationship has been full of controversy since they became “Facebook Official.” In addition to Briana feuding with Javi’s ex-wife, Kail Lowry throughout the relationship, Briana’s family struck out at Javi last month via social media.

The Ashley has reached out to Javi for comment. In the meantime, let’s take a moment of silence to mourn the death of “Javiana!”

UPDATE! As The Ashley suspected, Briana and Javi each spoke with a different media outlet about their split. It appears that Briana’s upcoming plastic surgery with Dr. Miami and their different plans for the future were the two main factors in their breakup.

“Javi and I are not together anymore,” Briana told Blasting News. “Our future just doesn’t line up. He doesn’t want me to get my surgery for a breast lift, lipo and tummy tuck (which I’m doing in two weeks) because it’ll look bad on his name at work.”

(As The Ashley has previously reported, Briana is getting her surgery done for free, in exchange for allowing Dr. Miami to broadcast the surgery on his Snapchat account in full gory detail. In January 2016, Briana allowed the Doc to film her getting a new butt, as well as having her lady parts trimmed…as you do.)

In his own interview with Radar Online, Javi admitted that he was not cool with his Air Force bosses seeing his girlfriend’s booty sliced open (again) on The Internets.

“I didn’t agree with some of her future plans being exposed for the world to see for our future and any future employers and I wish we could’ve compromised. Maybe I was overthinking but I couldn’t figure out a way to answer some of those questions,” Javi said.

The distance between them was also an issue, and it appears that Javi wanted Briana to move from Florida to Delaware to be with him in the near future. Briana told Blasting News that she wasn’t ready to settle down yet.

“I don’t plan on moving in with him in the summer and for these reasons, he broke up with me,” she said. “I have no bad things to say to about him. He wanted a wife and home right now and I didn’t see a reason to rush. I wish him the best going forward, and I am sad things panned out this way, but this is where things currently stand.”

“Some questions about our futures couldn’t be answered because we both do have kids and live two different lifestyles, her being in Florida and me in Delaware,” Javi agreed in his interview with Radar.

In a statement to Us Weekly, Kail talked about her ex-husband’s split.

“It’s none of my business, so my mouth is closed,” she said. “I wish Javi the best, as always,”

(Photo: Instagram)

50 Responses

  1. Oh he wanted her to be respectable? Have some self respect? And get off mom & sisters nip & live her own life. He really seems like a decent guy but he needs to leave these needy dysfunctional moms alone- he can’t save them or turn a wh$&e into a wife.

  2. Idk why she’s even bothering with the surgery, we all know she’s just gonna get knocked up again and her body is going to go to sh*t again.

  3. What is up with all of this plastic surgery on young women ? Their priorities are messed up. Put that money toward your child’s education and quit obsessing on your physical appearance and start working on becoming independent and moving yourself and kids out of your mom’s cramped apt

  4. Surprising mature and reasonable responses from Briana, Javi AND Kail. I can’t even snark on that shit. Maybe I need more coffee…

  5. ” Briana allowed the Doc to film her getting a new butt, as well as having her lady parts trimmed…as you do.”

    Calling Jenelle, hello out there. Dr. Miami needs to discuss something with you.

  6. I don’t fault him for not wanting his gf out there again on video getting her private parts augmented. Also she needs to be more clear that it’s not the surgery but the fact that it’s being streamed live or whatever. I really thought they broke up bc one of them cheated. Now let all the drama unfold on twitter between them and Kail and everyone else bc it will happen soon. He said she said, I heard This and he did that. Juiciness to follow.

  7. Briana is such a confused individual it is so sad that she has children (especially girls), since there is nothing for them to look up to. Who the hell has all this surgery at her age and has it broadcast to the world no less. Clearly she is s very dim bulb, but even a hamster has more foresight than that. Her ass was so misshapen she looked like there were small animals fighting for table scarps underneath those sweatpants she lives in. It’s a shame because she would probably be a decent looking young lady had she stayed away from the surgery. Javi is a decent guy, I’m surprised he got in the gutter with her in the first place (it was probably to piss Kail off), you dodged a bullet brother; a big, misshapen, man-hating, low IQ’d bullet.

    1. Ugh. And since she’s had surgery she thinks she looks so hot, and struts around in barely any clothes, when in reality it’s like.. ?? what is w her butt. Dying at your ‘animals fighting for table scraps’ comment. Funny.

  8. Wasn’t a fan of them as a couple. The entire relationship seemed very fake. And she said that he doesn’t want her to get plastic surgery and she doesn’t want to move in with him……..plus he wants a wife right now. I dunno why in the world he would find that kind of stability with a girl like Briana.

  9. I FInd it highly coincidental that days after there is an article saying Kail has broken up with her girlfriend and is “focusing on her kids”, Javi also magically breaks off his relationship.

    1. I have never used heroin, or any recreational drug (just a little medical weed) but from what addicts I know through my job have said that the replacement therapies, like Suboxone, and Methadone, still get you high. People who abused heroin often never come off the replacement medications, and spend most of their lives on it. He may also be smoking weed to counteract the withdrawal effects. Who knows.

  10. They were so weird together. I’m glad, She will be forever alone until she can cut the umbillical cord from her mother and sister.

    Does this mean she’s off TM2 now? I can’t deal with her and her family. Farrah 2.0

    1. Why would she be off TM2? She was on before she & Javi got together. She gotta getvthst TM money!! I wish this whole trainwreck of a show would be done!! I want to see how these girls live in thecreal world w/out that MTV money rollin in.

  11. Good.

    Briana is thirsty AF, and her mom and sister insufferable harpy trash. Her and her family constantly thrived on stupid clickbait stories about the relationship.

    Thank god he got away before she got knocked up….

  12. So who gets the new puppy? The one from a puppy-mill pet store?

    Also, uh, are we sure Bri isn’t cooking up a trap-baby?

  13. And on this day, a storyline was born ? I find it hilarious that public drama or huge news for people on any reality series almost always happens until about 30 or so days before a new season starts. Even with Chelsea and her super awesome news. Her best friend even stated that Chelsea filed the petition for last name change 6 weeks before MTV came back to film the upcoming season(it takes 6 weeks for the family court where Chelsea lives to give a final decision on things like that). Javi and this relationship were all a drama filled, attention seeking ploy on the part of Bri, Javi and her family. Make no mistake that Kail will benefit too

    1. They were talking about that last season..Chelsea changing aubrees name. I don’t really see her doing this for the show. But these guys on the other hand, Bri and Javi and Kail are def drama queens for the reality show.

      1. As a bored viewer i can agree. Chelsea needs to do what she can for a story line since she really doesn’t have much any longer. lol

      1. OkieDokie was commenting on their perception of a pattern of behavior among reality show stars, in particular those on Teen Mom 2. Chelsea was cited as a second example to illustrate the pattern. You can agree or disagree with the point, but the reason for citing a costar when attempting to establish a pattern of behavior among the cast seems pretty clear without necessarily being “obsessive” about Chelsea in particular.

    2. Chelsea needs anything for a storyline. Without Adam, and his drama, there’s no point in filming her. Since Adam has stopped filming, it’s now up to her to keep her line going, and she and Cole alone are just not interesting enough.

      1. I’m so tired of people saying that. This is exactly why MTV coddles and bows to the train wrecks. Why isn’t watching a happy and loving family a good enough storyline?

  14. I hear Javis interview going like this.. ‘Bri is a great girl and I wish her the best, her mom on the other hand…is crazy.’ Bri or her sister will never get anywhere in life while they are all stuck in the same apartment together. Her mom hates all men but also Brianna doesn’t need to tell her mom about every argument or tiff that she has w a bf. That’s not healthy, bc Bri gets over it but her mom still carries that stuff around and constantly meddles. They both have too many baby daddy and mommies in their life to start fresh. Kail is a bitch and bri’s exes are losers and they are all in too deep w each of them to have a good relationship w anyone right now.

  15. Good. I’m glad Javi got away from that family of Cuckoo Crazy before Briana got pregnant and he became Baby Daddy #3

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