‘Teen Mom OG’ Season 7 Episode 10 Recap: Peeing on Sticks & a Pumpkin Patch Pregnancy Reveal

Positive pee sticks for all!

Throw on your maternity pants—and throw out your sense of good judgment because…it’s time for another episode of Teen Mom OG!

On this week’s episode, the hormone levels are HIGH! HIGH!, what with two out of the four girls knocked up. (Oh, wait…spoiler alert but…not really.)

The episode starts off with Maci (who, for once, is not one of the people who ispregnant). She and Taylor are getting ready to celebrate Bentley’s 9th birthday by surprising him with a trampoline. (How is this kid already nine?! That means it’s been nearly a decade since we watched him shoot from Maci’s underage hoo-ha. This is depressing.)

Ryan is still refusing to take a drug test, but Maci, ever the martyr, agrees to let Jen and Larry pick Bentley up for his big day. What a saint she is, that Maci…

With Bentley heading off with Jen and Larry, Ryan and Mackenzie get pumped for the visit by sitting around and criticizing Maci’s communication skills.

Ryan says he’s passed drug tests since leaving rehab but Maci hasn’t asked for the results. Mack suggests Ryan pee in Maci’s yard to prove a point.

See guys? Drug addiction can be funny!

“I already done pissed behind that there tree. Take that, Maci!”

Speaking of people who are plenty familiar with the ol’ “piss in a cup to prove you’re no longer a degenerate” game, we next check in on Amber. She and her new Matt man Andrew are legit spending their day playing a riveting game of “I Spy.” (See guys? Unemployment can be fun!)

Andrew tells Amber he spies something that starts with the letter “T” and we assume he’s thinking “Teen Mom Pay Check” but actually he’s talking about her “titties,” so… there’s that.

“I’m Mister Romance, guys, and I’m here all week!”

Amber says Gary knows about the giant Andrew fetus that’s currently lounging on her couch womb. She says that he’s happy for her, but when we check in with him and Kristina, we learn that Gary is actually weary (like the rest of us) about the fact that Amber only knew her new man for about 3 seconds before letting him shoot spawn rockets inside of her.

Gary tells Kristina that Amber won’t be able to “sleep her way through” this baby’s life like she did with Leah’s. If Amber has shown us anything since this show started, though, it’s that her dedication to the craft of sleeping is strong!

“Amber’s not a deadbeat…but, to be fair she was really good at the ‘beating’ part…”

Meanwhile in Michigan, Catelynn still hasn’t told Tyler that she had her IUD removed. (We fans are still recovering from having to witness Cate up in the gyno stirrups and then talking about having the birth control ripped from her loins. Shudder.)

Nova seems to be doing her best to keep her parents from wanting to have another baby. She’s throwing tantrums, pouring milk on the floor and basically doing anything she can (besides shoving the birth control back up into Catelynn’s baby-shooter) to tell her knucklehead parents that they should not have another kid. Still, Catelynn is hopeful she’ll get pregnant soon.

“What’s one more baby? I mean, it can’t whine more than Tyler does, right?”

The three of them decide to take a trip to the pumpkin patch and on the way, Cate tries to get Tyler in the mood to mess up her side bangs later that night.

Catelynn is behaving like a woman who just got out of prison. She’s not trying to hide the fact that she wants the Baltierra Beef Injection (also…ew). She asks Ty if they can “have a party in his pants later,” to which he says it’s closed for a prior engagement. (We can only assume that the “engagement” is with his hand and a vanity mirror.) All this goes down while Nova is in the backseat looking for the eject button on her carseat.

“I’ve just slicked back my hair and I’m ready for some lovin’!”

We next head back to Italy, where Farrah and her crew are on what may be the longest European vacation ever.

But tonight is a real treat, guys! We are heading to a karaoke bar, where Debra is planning to bring her “DebzOG” rap songs to the creepy dungeon-like karaoke bars of Italy.

It’s the DEBZ OG WORLD TOUR, y’all and we’re all invited!

After a few sips of champagne, Debz OG decides to share her gift of rap with the lucky patrons of the bar and gives them a “live” performance of the new Debz OG rap single which is, of course, also entitled “Debz OG.”

There’s lip syncing! There’s pole dancing! It’s everything The Ashley has ever wanted in life!

Our faces during the entire karaoke scene…

As awkward as Deb’s display is to watch, seeing the discomfort it brings Farrah makes it not only tolerable but also enjoyable.

The next day, Deb knows how sad it must have been for Sophia to not to have been old enough to get into the Italia Karaoke Dungeon to bear witness to the Debz OG World Tour, so she surprises the tot with some new dresses. (These may or may not have just been dresses that Deb borrowed from Sophia and is now giving back, however.)

Debz tells Sophia that she bought the dresses in the hopes that Sophia will wear one to Deb’s wedding. (As we know, “Sophia” has decided that she doesn’t want to go to her grandma’s wedding and “Sophia” is making a big deal out of it because “Sophia” doesn’t like Deb’s fiancé, Dr. David.)

“Let me hold your dress train.”

Farrah tells her mom it’s Sophia’s decision to not attend the wedding, which makes Deb get emotional. Deb asks Sophia herself if she’ll attend, but Sophia confirms what Farrah said/told her to say, that she’s not going because of David. Deb tells Sophia she’d come to her wedding if she were the one getting married, to which Sophia replies, “It’s not about my wedding, it’s about yours.”

IN.THE.(Liquid Facelifted) FACE.

When you get told off by an eight-year-old…

Farrah then proceeds to accuse Debz OG of trying to manipulate Sophia for her own gain. This is, of course, basically what every single adult in this little girl’s life does, so it’s business as usual.

The next day, Farrah heads to lunch with her dad Michael and his fiancé Amy. Over pasta, Farrah continues to talk about how “mentally unstable” her rappin’ mom is, and fearing they too will suffer Farrah’s wrath, Michael and Amy don’t exactly come to Deb’s defense. However, when Farrah leaves the table to make sure her lips are still attached, Michael tells Sophia it would be nice if she went to her grandma’s wedding. This is a very kind gesture on Michael’s part. (Of course, he may just be concerned that if Sophia stands firm and doesn’t go to the wedding, he’ll somehow get swindled into being Deb’s wedding dress train holder!)

Across the sea, in the pits of Indiana, Amber and Andrew are meeting up with assorted members of Amber’s family at a pumpkin patch. Amber’s cousin Krystal is meeting Amber’s new boo for the very first time, and is marveling at how big Andrew is.

“Geez, Amb. Where the hell did ya find this one? Baby Daddy Big ‘n’ Tall?”

Also resurfacing after being lost in the underbelly world of Missing Teen Mom Parents is Tonya, Amber’s mom. She’s gotten all done up for her reappearance on camera,  slathering on layer upon layer of Coppertone “Sun Goddess” self tanner for the occasion.

In case you’ve forgotten, Tonya was on set with Amber while filming Marriage Boot Camp: Family Edition, so she likely met Andrew before, but she doesn’t remember him. (That’s probably because Andrew spent most of his time on-set Googling useful phrases such as “How to Snag A Teen Mom Star Without Losing Your Self Worth.”)

So did Farrah send that Porta-Potty as Amber’s baby gift or…?

The entire clan piles into the hayride wagon (with Cousin Krystal seductively asking, “So where does the big guy sit?” Jesus, keep it in your pants, girl! This is your cousin’s Insta-Baby Daddy! Get your own!)

Tonya remarks at how “awkward” this whole situation is. Oh, girl, you haven’t seen anything yet!

As the Hillbilly Hay Ride of Haphazard Family Planning continues, Andrew appears nervous. In fact, he’s sweating through his snappy lavender button-up like he’s just been told that he has to battle Gary for the last Krispy Kreme donut.

Tonya seems to know the drill when it comes to her daughter’s choices in men-folk.

“So, what are you stayin’ here, or…” she asks Andrew. Of course, he confirms that he is. Tonya doesn’t even try to hide her disapproval, which is fantastic.

When Amber comments that this hay ride is “starting to hurt,” ol’ Tonya gets a knowing look, but seems to be praying that her daughter hasn’t taken her out to the sticks of town to reveal she’s knocked up by some rando she just met, all under the guise of getting Halloween pumpkins.

“Can you imagine if you got pregnant a few weeks after knowing this guy? That’s trashy, even for us!”

It’s time for Amber to make the big reveal.

“OK, I guess I’m gonna tell you guys,” she starts.

“OH GOD!” Tonya blurts out.

Amber seems offended. It’s not like she continues to make horrifically poor choices throughout her adult life or anything! Oh wait…

Well, one the bright side, at least she’s not going to prison again, so there’s that…

“As long as she’s not pregnant…everything will be OK…”

“I’m pregnant!” Amber declares.

Both Cousin Krystal and Tonya are in disbelief. Krystal even keeps screaming, “No you’re not!”

Tonya is almost in tears, begging Andrew to tell her that Amber’s joking.

“Not one bit!” Andrew replies.

“Oh, Amber…you managed to go three years without getting pregnant by Matt the Sperm King, but 15 minutes with Paul Bunyan over here and you’re knocked up!”

Cousin Krystal, the shining light of the Portwood dynasty, looks on the bright side of things. She remarks that, hey, it could be worse: it could be Matt’s baby.

Tonya isn’t as concerned as to which of Ambie’s gentlemen callers has knocked her up. She’s more interested in making sure that Andrew treats Amber right. In other words, don’t shovel Amber’s cash into a backpack and flee and/or have 2,049 children show up out of the woodwork and we should be good.

At a different pumpkin patch, Tyler’s mom continues to talk about her potential future grandchildren and even wishes twins upon Cate and Ty. That makes total sense, seeing as how well these two blockheads handle stress. Let’s give them not one baby but TWO MORE BABIES! Yeah, sure, and while we’re at it, we can leave that whole pesky “curing cancer” task in the hands of Butch.

Later, Catelynn goes to lunch to chow down on some quesadillas and chat about how she may already be “with child.” She then forces us to listen as she talks about her “flow” and how she tracks her sexy time on her phone. Also…ew.

She says she can’t take a pregnancy test at home, though, because she’s worried Tyler, that rascally raccoon, would rummage through the trashcan and find it.

I know this is a drastic suggestion but…couldn’t Catelynn just take the test in the privacy of her own bathroom, and then take her garbage out before Tyler sees it?

Catelynn’s friend suggests that Cate just head on into the restaurant bathroom and piss on a stick right then and there! (Catelynn and Tyler’s friends have, for the 100 seasons this show has been on the air, continued to prove that they are among the classiest kids that this country has to offer.)

Anyway, Catelynn scurries off into the bathroom to take the pregnancy test. After she lets it flow, she throws the soaked stick onto the baby changing table (as you do) and eagerly awaits the results.

It’s funny when someone on ‘Teen Mom’ pretends to need to read the instructions of a pregnancy test… #GoodOne

Hell, while we’re at it, can we just get Ryan down to the restaurant bathroom too? He can pee in a cup, Catelynn can pee on a stick, and we can file Maci, Taylor, Tyler or whoever the hell else needs to see the assorted urines into the bathroom, and we can be done with all these piss-themed storylines. It’s getting weird.

Meanwhile in Tennessee, Jen and Larry come back to the house with Bentley. He’s greeted by Ryan, Mackenzie and Mackenzie’s son Hudson (who we learn has the unfortunate nickname of “Huddle”).

“Tell me again which one of them kids is mine…”

Ryan and Mack greet Bentley by hating on his Christmas sweater. They then make fun of his football glove and call him Michael Jackson. Bentley looks like he’d rather be anywhere—hell, he’d even rather been in that bathroom watching Catelynn’s piss stick turn positive—than spend another minute with his father and his wife.

Jen and Larry say they are looking forward to the future when Ryan can again babysit his own child without them having to supervise.

“Come here Bentley!”
“Um…Ryan, that’s Hudson…”

Meanwhile, while Maci and Taylor sort through leather pocket t-shirts, Maci says Mackenzie sent her a text letting her know Taylor, Jayde and Maverick’s names had “accidentally” been left off of the wedding invitation she sent to Maci.

Um…yeah. Sure, Jan.

With the incident resolved, Maci confirms the RSVP and forewarns her liver of the copious amount of free beer she’ll be downing on the night of Ryan and Mackenzie’s blessed affair.

Back in Italy, Deb takes Michael aside to speak to him during a group outing. Deb tells Michael she doesn’t understand why Sophia doesn’t want to go to her wedding and Michael more or less says it’s Farrah’s influence. Michael tells her that he and Amy have tried to encourage them to attend, but to no avail because, well… Farrah is Farrah and she’s basically awful.

“Fine Debra, fine. I’ll do the backup dancing at your next karaoke gig. Stop begging.”

Farrah and Sophia sit down for a heart-to-heart — assuming of course that Farrah has one of those — and Sophia says she’s still not down to show up at her grandma’s wedding. Farrah tells Sophia she’s glad she’s expressed her feelings. She then showers the poor kids with some other sort of butchered Tony Robbins gibberish.

In Indiana, news of Amber’s pregnancy leaks before Andrew has a chance to tell his friends and family. (Welcome to reality TV, Andy!)

When you spend so much time on the couch you start to morph into it…

Amber says she doesn’t know who leaked the info but Andrew is convinced that it was Gary. Amber denies that her Baby Daddy #1 was the culprit, and takes it in stride. She seems more focused on relaxing in her onesie on the couch than figuring out who blabbed the news.

Andrew is sad that he didn’t get to announce the pregnancy the way they had planned. Amber had promised to shovel herself off the couch and head to California for Thanksgiving, where she and Andrew would tell his family about the baby.

“Like, look down the table and let them know about the bun in the oven,” Andrew said.

Andrew says he didn’t even have a chance to call his own mother. (Apparently there are no phones in Indiana?) This dude legit filmed numerous scenes about the pregnancy for ‘Teen Mom’ before even telling his own mother. COME ON.

Finally, we head to Michigan one last time to check back in with Cate and Ty. He’s busy trying out different filters for his next Instagram selfie when Catelynn appears with Nova. She’s got Nova dressed in a shirt that says “I’m Going To Be A Big Sister.”

Tyler notices the shirt but doesn’t believe Catelynn until she produces the positive pregnancy test as proof.

“Oh my God!” he proclaims. “Fertile Myrtle!”

“Dang, man! My sperms are powerful!”

Nova then snatches the pee stick and starts waving it around like a magic wand (as you do) as Cate and Ty celebrate. Well, to be fair, Catelynn is celebrating while Tyler looks absolutely miserable, even though it was him who was pressuring Cate to have another kid.

Let’s just hope Nova doesn’t use the stick as a jump for her plastic therapy horses.

“Say it! Say you’re happy about this! Don’t make me call Butch with his hacksaw!”

Until next time, kids, hold on to your IUDs!

To read The Ashley’s previous ‘Teen Mom OG’ recap, click here!

(Photos: MTV)

73 Responses

  1. I have seen posts that Catelyn had a miscarriage and that’s why she went away to get help for her depression again. Does anyone know if this is true or just a rumor. Ryan need to spend more than 21 days at a rehab after years of being on drugs. He should spend time in a halfway house. Odds are he is going to relapse.

  2. Farrah is teaching us a lesson in How to F*ck Up Your Child 101.
    My mind is blown away how Farrah can sit there and smirk like a proud mother when her child is talking about HATING someone (David). I seriously had my chin on the floor with what was coming out of Farrah’s mouth. Farrah loves to talk about how other people lack “mental wherewithal” but in nearly every episode Farrah is attacking and insulting someone for no reason, then telling her daughter that they don’t hang around people that are hateful. She is the biggest hypocrite I’ve ever seen. Farrah is so vile to let her young child carry on about hating someone when Farrah damn well knows that kid is only emulating her. She stands there like a proud parent and I seriously want to smack that damn look off her face. Sopia doesn’t have a chance to grow up to be a normal, happy little girl.

    I’m really embarrassed for Andrew. He should have a little more self respect and not move right in with Amber and start driving her pimp mobiles. He’s taking a page right from Matt’s playbook, and it’s pathetic. It’s like dude, at least wait a couple months before moving in (let along knocking her up) and stay in Cali, work, do your own thing and visit. He’s so awkward, maybe it’s the cameras being around but that hay ride was painful to watch.I saw a clip online from the next episode where they argue over finding out the gender of the baby. He doesn’t look prepared for the wrath of Amber(+Cameras+Baby=GoodLuck)!

  3. Your husband is right. Sophia is a brat. However, she comes by it honestly. I mean, if Farrah was my mom. I would most likely be a brat too, I can’t even imagine what it’s like growing up in that circus of a family.

  4. In that Tonya/Andrew side by side pic, Andrew looks like a cross between a fat George Michael in the Faith video, and one of the BeeGees.

    I thought the scene with Michael and Debra was nice. They are probably the couple that love each other but can’t be together because when their sperm and egg meet it turns into the AntiChrist and they don’t want to subject the world to that again.

  5. When Deb was trying to send Sophia on that guilt trip about how she would come to her wedding and Sophia snapped back with “Were not talking about my wedding, were talking about your wedding”….Y’all. I was kinda shook LMAO. She’s about to be a little TERROR, and all the karma Farrah deserves.

    1. I died laughing and my husband just looked at me when Sophia replied that. He’s was like ‘she’s a brat’ and I was like ‘that was funny, and a spot on reply and good point!’ She is a little brat but she did have a valid point about it not being about her wedding…?

      1. I think that line was fed to Sophia from Farrah. It is typical Farrah who can’t see the repercussions of her actions. Deb actually had a good point in that if the roles were reversed that Deb would support Sophia’s choices (even though I bet a lot of whining, bitching and rapping would come with it). Sophia is a brat and was completely mean in that comment. This kid has zero compassion which is scary even at that age. Let’s see what happens when Farrah’s fabulous businesses fail and she needs money from David and Deb.

  6. Does anyone find it weird/creepy/odd that Ryan always has his dog in his lap or near him and seems to be fixated on him but won’t even sit up when Bentley comes in the room? I hope this isn’t foreshadowing something bad happening to the dog since Ryan used to kill cats with glee.
    I don’t understand for a guy who complains about not seeing his kid enough, won’t even get up to greet him when Bentley comes over.

    1. Ryan is weird/creepy/odd period. I also agree, it’s ridic. that he can’t be bothered to get off the couch and hug is own son, on his birthday no less.

      1. I used to think Ryan was just one of those men who are just not sure what you do with a baby or little kid, but that ship sailed years ago.

      2. Yes i was so annoyed by that. Jen and Larry looked so excited to finally see Bentley ( i don’t agree with Maci taking him away from them, maybe just ensure Ryan wont be there) and those two who do nothing but complain about not seeing him were like ” Oh hey” from their ass imprints on the couch.

    2. Oh I know. I can’t believe a dog is even around him. I couldn’t remember if it was him or Adam kind that killed cats. I can’t stand to think about anyone hurting an animal. But it does show true character of anyone that could.

      1. Ryan was the cat killer. And he was proud of it. I fear for that dog . Ryan is always petting it or has it next to him. Scary obsession but can’t give his son the time of day. If doing a urine test was the only thing keeping me from my son, I would do urine tests every day.

  7. Anyone notice that Hudson wasn’t even in a car seat? He seems wayyyy too little not to be in a car seat. How did Mack let her toddler get into a car with no car seat? Oh that’s right – she couldn’t be bothered to get up from the couch. I 100% believe the reports that Hudson’s dad is accusing Mack of being a dead beat. You would think Rhine and Mack would be smart enough to pretend to be good parents in front of the cameras. B!tching about Maci not letting them see Bentley and then being jerks to Bentley when they do see him was just dumb, especially on the poor kid’s birthday. If Rhine were actually sober, maybe he would realize that.

    I love how Tyler told Cate he wanted more kids, wanted a baby boy, and wanted to be surprised and then turns around and tells everyone else that he doesn’t even want a baby. Then, he acts all sad about it on camera even though Cate went against her better judgment to please him. Cate told him she wasn’t ready and he didn’t care. Now he wants to pretend like it was all her idea? I have no clue what caused her miscarriage, but I’m guessing her weight and the smoking didn’t help. And now, she is suffering from the trauma of losing a pregnancy she said she wasn’t ready for mentally. Tyler just pisses me off. Those two need to focus on the baby they do have instead of using pregnancies and babies as a band-aid.

    1. Omg it drove me crazy to see how Tyler was treating Cate after announcing her pregnancy. And even earlier complaining to his mom about not even wanting more kids and the idea of it was absurd.. he’s a little shit.

        1. I think Tyler is too scared to leave her so he is trying to say he wants what he thinks she is unable to give him. But she doesn’t get it.

          1. Oh crap. I can put together what you just said about Tyler asking for the impossible, to his reaction of her actually being pregnant. That’s sad.

    2. Yes, and this behavior is coming from a “woman” who has the nerve to criticize Maci. Mackenzie is a hateful, immature golddigger.

    3. Yes, the missing car seat freaked me out! And realistically, there’s an argument to be made that Bentley should have been in a booster seat as well, but… I mean, look who we’re talking about.

    4. YESSSS!! He’s like 3 and should be in a 5point harness car seat – period. Then again, they don’t even wear seatbelts and drive on herion and Xanax without a second thought so… ??‍♀️

  8. Why would you tell your mom about your pregnancy in public, on camera, in front of your first child, in front of your new boyfriend, in front of your cousin, on the day your mom has just met your new boyfriend for the very first time? So many bad choices on top of bad choices. “Hi Mom, come on my show so I can exploit your reaction to some incredibly serious news all while my child, brand new boyfriend, and America watch!”

    Sort of the same thing with Caitlyn. Why would she tell him on camera, in front of Nova, in front of all the producers and crew, and when she was only a couple of weeks pregnant? I get telling your husband privately that your pregnant the minute you find out, but why would you tell your small daughter and America you’re pregnant that early? Most people wait three months to even tell some of their own family members.

    In both of these cases, I think MTV pressured them to do it this way for ratings/storyline/to get a really “authentic” scene, and I hate MTV for exploiting them like this. These girls both have serious issues with anxiety, depression, other mental illness, self worth, relationship issues, parenting, motherhood, and conflicted feelings about their pregnancies, and yet they’re pressuring them to do these big, public, on air pregnancy reveals.

    1. What Amber did to her mom was messed up. How did she think her mom would react? Why would anyone be happy that their daughter got knocked up by a stranger? Blindsiding Tonya like that was exploitive and cruel. I would expect nothing less from Amber.

    2. Honestly, I was more upset for Leah. I could see the “But I’m right here” look on her face. Like, Leah knows Amber has all the time in the world, she just doesn’t feel like giving her daughter any of it.

  9. Is Cate EVER going to grow out those straggly bangs?!? She should be more focused on a new hairstlye rather than a new baby. Same goes for Ambie and her sumo top knot.

    1. Oh I think Cate has a hair line that goes back really far. I remember that from the early days. Her mom has the same hair line. She uses those bangs to help hide it.. but you’re right bc she should not be puttin it in a pony all the time, that has to be adding lots of pressure to her hair line.. one more time. Hair line.haha I said that word like 10 times just now.

      1. Haha She is doing more damage, like you said, by schalaking her hair like that. The last thing anyone needs is taking beauty tips (or any tips really) from April of all people, lol.

  10. Omg Ryan literally took no time at all to start getting high again. Barbara Evans would call him out immediately. And I do not believe Ryan has been taking drug tests for his lawyer, or macy would have the results. Them saying macy hasnt asked for a drug test makes my blood boil. They forget easily that most of what they say is recorded by about 5 cameras…you can see in every shot of Ryan that he is still using..

    I couldn’t believe that amber introduced Andrew then 5 minutes later announced she’s pregnant. Poor Leah.. you know she’s ticked just like Jace was when Janelle was like ‘I’m pregnant!’ Then jaces says ‘that’s messed up’..

    It drives me crazy seeing Farrah let that little imp make adult decisions. It should be like ‘this is what you’re doing, and you’re gonna be nice and respectful while doing it !!’

    Poor catelynn doesn’t know what to do. Tyler is making it seem to his mom and the world that he never suggested she get pregnant secretly then surprise him. He was pretty awful during that announcement scene. He needs to grow up and be honest w her.. also him blaming her eating pizza on him gaining weight. Guess what!?!! You don’t have to eat the same food she does dorkus. He’s mean and unhappy and being suspicious.. I wonder what he does all night long while he can’t sleep.. I have an idea though.

    One last thing, there is no straight man in the world that would say his dick has prior engagements when a woman asked for a pants party later. Just sayin..

    1. Always spot on Barbara RiceHand. Tyler was such a twat when Cate made the announcement, and you could see that she was trying so hard to get him amped up 🙁 I also agree about the “previous engagement” comment. I hate to say it, but he’s just not that into her.

  11. No word of Mack getting in trouble with Hudson’s father bc he did not agree to his son being on the show? Come on, don’t miss out on more drama concerning Mack!

    1. Haha yeah I read that either his parents have Hudson or Ryan’s parents do. Big surprise. She’s not a very likeable person. I so get tired of her blaming maci for all her life’s problems, when in reality those two losers do not affect macis everyday life..

    2. I wonder if it’s because they’re married now and maybe “Huddle” qualifies for an MTV paycheck now too… ?

  12. As someone who WANTS A BABY BOY SO BADLY, you would think Tyler would be more excited for having another one. Maybe he even realized it was wrong to make her pregnant so fast. (Esp seeing what followed, I hope hope hope Cate gets better and that he keeps it in his pants! A baby won’t magically cure her depression, she ain’t no Amber (:P))

    Amber’s family is amazing, their reactions……the same I had when a girl I know told me she got pregnant 3 months in a relationship (she married the dude now so maybe it was meant to be regardless but her words last year were “Well, now we need to stay together cuz I have his baby!”) Andrew is terrifying.

    Ryan, dude, you could at least TRY to be a father but I guess that’s impossible.

    Farrah and her family-they are all whack.

  13. I think this is my favorite recap yet!!! I was legit laughing out loud… that line about filing folks into the bathroom to see “Assorted urines” is absolute literary gold! Can we discuss how Ryan and his desperate housewife could not be bothered to un-wedge themselves off the sectional the entire segment when Bentley arrives. Way back when Mackenzie first arrived, she was kind of cool and seemed like she might straighten the sloth out, but she is absolutely vile. I know she probably spends 9-5 online reading what people are saying about her and it’s made her a mess (you’re not cut out for reality tv honey, take Huddle and run before he’s old enough to get too old to really be affected). We need to set up a go-fund-me for Sophia, ‘cuz that child ain’t right. When she and Farrah were sitting on that random pier, I absolutely saw Debz OG and Farrah 15 years ago. The way she kept pawing at her hair and bombarding her with loaded questions is soooo Deb. Farrah is going to get it so bad from Sophia in a couple of years 🙂

    1. Having Farrah as a mother and coming from such a dysfunctional family does that to you. I hope Farrah doesn’t have anymore kids, it’s enough she raised one acting like her.

  14. Both of these shows have reached the point where it’s just sad, watching these losers living their shabby despite the money lives in public while they kids,now pushing 10, deal with the fall out.

  15. Somewhat off topic but what was the point of the teen mom two special that aired tonight? It just seemd so random

    1. I bet it’s bc the Teen Mom OG is almost to the end of the season, and teen mom 2 usually follows close behind.

  16. I doubt it is worse off camera simply because Farrah believes she is right with everything she does and has nothing to hide. I really think a lot of Sophia’s issues come from being socialized with adults only and not moving through normal appropriate brain development. And most of the adults in her life are a’holes

  17. I can’t believe these women are all such dramatic shit shows after a decade of this. It’s barely even entertaining anymore. I can kind of understand some of the bad life choices made when they were 16/17 years old, but to be doing the same shit now in their mid to late 20s is inexcusable, especially with the privilege they’ve been blessed with.

    1. I completely agree with you. With the exception of Maci, I spend all these episodes just thinking how self-destructive these grown-ass women are. I tried watching a little of that random special they had on tonight and I just couldn’t (and I love garbage-can tv). Their diva attitudes were unbelievable (Kail and Jenelle are absolutely on another level). It’s because no one ever sat them down and said “Listen up kitty cats, you have no talent!” The way those producers cow-tow to them is stomach churning, and David, well he just needs to take several seats; I was laughing my behind off when he got out the suv and tried to bow up to the security gaurds that were laughing inside, but had to keep it professional.

      1. Ugh. The producers kill me. They tippy toe lightly on every question. It drives me crazy. Lol at the words ‘garbage can tv’ and ‘listen up kitty cat..’

  18. Farrah is a terrible person…. period! I don’t care how much “smarter” people think she is for not getting knocked up like everyone else on both franchises(no man in their right mind would stick themselves to that self absorbed woman for 18 years anyway) and being financially independent and hustling all over the place. It does not make up for her disgusting soul. She can’t even talk to anyone in the correct tone for 5 seconds.

    Example, when checking into the hotel in Italy, she was barely through the front door before shouting, in a condescending tone, “yes check in for ABRAHAM!” Like what the hell???? Can you get up to the counter, greet the hotel staff and then tell them what you need??? It’s like any human she speaks to, she thinks they’re all below her. I felt terrible for the chef in Italy during the cooking class. Even talking to Michael right before he proposed to his now fiancé. Just anything and Sophia…. I’m at a loss for words.

    What I will say is, I’m not some super genius. However, I am an LCSW specialized in child and family therapy and Sophia is a classic case of being on the autism spectrum as well as some possible PTSD there with her. We all see the fights and verbal abuse she’s been present for, imagine what happens when cameras are not there. Her mom is a narcissist and instead of taking time with her, manipulates her into being her little robot and allows her to disrespect adults openly. Look at her behavior and the way that she gets that vacant, devious stare in her eyes when placed in a stressful situation. It’s very eerie and sad as she always proceeds to hit herself and starts making strange and unintelligible noises in different voices right after.

    Sophia has done this multiple times throughout the seasons.

    1. Ugh she does talk to regular every day people like they are stupid. She says everything very slow and very loud w loud eyes staring at them. When I just typed that it felt like my eyes got big too and it gave me a headache…lol.

    2. The only reason Farrah hasn’t gotten pregnant again is that she can’t keep a boyfriend. She’s not doing it because she’s smart. It’s just no one wants to be with her because she’s a living nightmare.

  19. I’m so freaking excited for this recap! Thank you!

    Wow, Mackenzie has already latched on to Jen & Larry minding her kid, he’ll be Bentley 2.0 (Rhine’s ‘do-over’ kid).

    Amber -sigh- I feel sorry for Leah. She DID NOT look pumped on that hayride, no matter how much Ambie says otherwise. Jury’s out on Andrew – we know about his record but something is ‘off’, can’t put my finger on it. I hope he’s good with babies, he may be the primary carer.

  20. Whatever happened to the Ashely referring to “cousin Krystal” as “Kousin Krystal”? See it’s little things that make me lol.

  21. Ryan is using.

    Amber is an idiot. Gary, keep Leah away from Lurch II!

    Tyler needs help. Cate is not functional. Tyler and Nova need to save themselves.

    I pray for Sophia. No one in her life will take on her bats**t crazy mom, and she knows it. She’s just trying to survive, all by herself. It’s the loneliest feeling in the world.

  22. Also. I hope Cate and Tyler take the miscarriage as a sign that they shouldn’t be trying for another child any time soon. I feel awful that she miscarried, but I feel like adding to the responsibilities that they already neglect would have made their lives unmanageable for them. Raise the kid you have.

  23. Sophia is honestly the most terrifying and demonic child. I’m sorry, but that little girl scares the shit out of me. She seems to be absurdly behind in basic development which can of course be attributed to her upbringing. She parrots back the things her mother forces down her throat and is present for arguments/behavior/discussions that no child should be present for. Someone needs to intervene and help that poor child.

    1. I agree those who cape for Farrah point out how financially independent she is. However that doesn’t make up for her obvious poor and absentee parenting.
      Bentley and Sophia are night and day so Maci is certainly on to something with giving him chores and not treating her kid like a baby

      1. I cannot believe the amount of baby talk that is still used for her and in her own vocabulary I feel like they really are stunting her growth

        1. I agree ! Enough with the baby talk. Both Debra and Farrah talk baby talk to her. I wish social services would step in ! Sophia is home schooled so she doesn’t have a chance of developing normally !!

          1. The worst part is I genuinely think Sophia thinks it’s cute and that’s why she does it I think she would’ve benefited from going to a traditional school for so many different reasons but I think it was hard for her to see how other kids her age acted because she’s never been challenged to act her age

      2. Omg I know. Bentley seems like a nice young gentleman and giving him chores and responsibilities is good. Of course Ryan complains about it saying ‘I couldn’t imagine if you guys made me do that stuff’ haha all while shooting heroin like a good boy..

      3. “Financially Independent.” I saw a blind item that said she is close to declaring bankruptcy and all her businesses are failing.

    2. Farrah is a terrible person…. period! I don’t care how much “smarter” people think she is for not getting knocked up like everyone else on both franchises(no man in their right mind would stick themselves to that self absorbed woman for 18 years anyway) and being financially independent and hustling all over the place. It does not make up for her disgusting soul. She can’t even talk to anyone in the correct tone for 5 seconds.

      Example, when checking into the hotel in Italy, she was barely through the front door before shouting, in a condescending tone, “yes check in for ABRAHAM!” Like what the hell???? Can you get up to the counter, greet the hotel staff and then tell them what you need??? It’s like any human she speaks to, she thinks they’re all below her. I felt terrible for the chef in Italy during the cooking class. Even talking to Michael right before he proposed to his now fiancé. Just anything and Sophia…. I’m at a loss for words.

      What I will say is, I’m not some super genius. However, I am an LCSW specialized in child and family therapy and Sophia is a classic case of being on the autism spectrum as well as some possible PTSD there with her. We all see the fights and verbal abuse she’s been present for, imagine what happens when cameras are not there. Her mom is a narcissist and instead of taking time with her, manipulates her into being her little robot and allows her to disrespect adults openly. Look at her behavior and the way that she gets that vacant, devious stare in her eyes when placed in a stressful situation. It’s very eerie and sad as she always proceeds to hit herself and starts making strange and unintelligible noises in different voices right after.

      Sophia has done this multiple times throughout the seasons.

      1. I doubt it is worse off camera simply because Farrah believes she is right with everything she does and has nothing to hide. I really think a lot of Sophia’s issues come from being socialized with adults only and not moving through normal appropriate brain development. And most of the adults in her life are a’holes

      2. I agree. I think Sohpia has developmental issues and psychological damage from her environment. I’d be willing to put money on the fact that Sophias school noticed and informed Farrah who refuses to accept or deal with it, and that’s why Sophia is no longer enrolled in school. Schools are a safety net and catch these things, and try to help. Sophia is down her only safety net now.

        1. I can imagine the conversation at Sophia’s school.

          Principal: “We have some concerns over Sophia’s development..

          Farrah: “WHAT! OMG! My baby is a genius. I’m taking her out of this educationary facility!”

      3. I really feel for that kid. I can’t imagine the amount of stress she is under all the time. Farrah pretends that she lets Sophia make decisions, but she clearly manipulates those “decisions”. We’ve seen her gaslight Sophia on numerous occasions (like when Farrah asked Sophia how she was doing as a mom. When Sophia said that she’s not as nice as she used to be, Farrah immediately turned on her, denied being rude and blamed Sophia). It is classic abuser behavior. Sophia has literally no one she can depend on, especially now that she’s been pulled out of school. Neither grandparent will ever cross Farrah and they’re not appropriate caregivers anyway. I cannot imagine how isolated that little kid feels. Her creepy behaviors seem directly correlated to the stressful, abusive, dysfunctional environment she is in.

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