MTV Releases New ‘Teen Mom OG’ Season 8 Trailer Featuring New Moms Bristol Palin & Cheyenne Floyd: Watch It Now!

“Move over girls! We’re moving into Trainwreck Town with ya!”

Teen Mom OG fans are getting their first real look into the lives of the show’s newest moms– Bristol Palin and Cheyenne Floyd! On Monday, MTV released the first Season 8 trailer that included both of the show’s news stars, as well as original OG’ers Maci BookoutAmber Portwood and Catelynn Lowell.

In the trailer, which focuses more on Cheyenne and Bristol than the original girls, we get a sneak peek of some of the story lines that will be covered in Season 8.

Here, The Ashley breaks down what each new girl will be dealing with in the new episodes, based on the trailer. 


“I should have been on this show years ago! I’m the original trainwreck teen mom!”

Dubbed “America’s Most Famous Teen Mom” in the trailer, Bristol talks about her then-husband Dakota Meyer‘s struggle with PTSD. She tells us that his struggle has been “hard on our marriage.” (As The Ashley previously reported, Bristol and Dakota have since officially divorced.)

“We don’t know how to co-exist together,” Bristol says in the trailer. “I don’t want to raise my kids to think that this is what a marriage looks like.”


“I’ll never master the Ugly Cry quite like Farrah did, though…”

First, MTV tried to tell ‘Teen Mom’ fans who the hell Cheyenne is. (To briefly break it down: She first appeared on Are You The One?, met baby-daddy Cory Wharton while filming The Challenge, he knocked her up with daughter Ryder…and here we are…)

Anyway, it appears that Cory has a problem with Cheyenne’s live-in boyfriend getting to see Ryder more than he does. Cheyenne’s boyfriend insists, though, that he’s not trying to take over “daddy” responsibilities from Cory. Still, Cory tries to convince Cheyenne to dump her man.

“Why don’t you just be single!?” he tells her.

Cheyenne even has an “Amber-esque” moment in the trailer, where she screams, “I’m literally OVER IT” as she storms out of a family party. (Obviously, the correct Amber phrase is “I’M DONE!” but Cheyenne is still learning…)


“At least we won’t have to listen to Mackenzie read any more letters this season! You’re welcome for that!”

Maci’s story lines will most likely center on the drama with her ex, Ryan Edwards. (He was booted from the show at Maci’s request, and recently arrested.) In the trailer, Maci’s husband Taylor McKinney tells her that Ryan called him “in a fit of rage.” Maci suggests that they call the cops on Ryan.

“I am so scared that something bad is gonna happen,” Maci says later on in the trailer.


“Marriage is hard…and stuff…”

Catelynn’s story lines will mostly focus on her marriage to Tyler Baltierra, which hit a very rough patch a few months ago.

“If someone asked me if I was happy in my marriage, I would say ‘absolutely not,'” Tyler says in one of the trailers.

“Do you think I’m blind to it all?” Catelynn asks him.


“You get to watch me shoot a youngin from my gentleman greeter this season!”

For Amber, things will center around the birth of her son, James, and her relationship with her newest baby daddy Andrew Glennon.

“I can’t think of anything else but my little family,” Amber says in the trailer.

The new season of ‘Teen Mom OG’ premieres October 1 on MTV.

Watch the new trailer for ‘Teen Mom OG’ below:

RELATED STORY: Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra Say It Was Disrespectful for MTV to “Blindside” Them With News That Bristol Palin Was Joining ‘Teen Mom OG’ Cast

(Photos: MTV)

19 Responses

  1. Oh look, we caught Cheyenne lying about “Everything is well, we are co-parenting amazingly!” He wants her to leave the man she is with now. Like why, you are her ex?! And if you want more time with your daughter like….visit her more. I knew my feelings towards him on The Real World were true.

  2. Maci would not film unless they kicked Ryan off the show. She claimed to not want Bentley to see everything going on with him, but she is still filming about it so what is the difference? There isn’t one. She has no story line without Ryan so she will continue to talk about him in her segments, which is worse for Bentley, because Ryan does not get to defend himself in his own segment. She no longer speaks to Ryan so she does not know what is going on in his life therefore she should not discuss it, plus Bentley listening to her talk about his father is just as bad if not worse because everything she says is a guess since she no longer has contact with him. If I were Ryan I would send a cease and desist letter stopping her from discussing him on the show. He is no longer being paid so he should no longer be part of the story. Reality stars give up their privacy in exchange for money. Ryan no longer receives money to give up his privacy so he should have his privacy. I can’t believe MTV tried to talk them into signing a contract for their new baby so that they could create a story making it look like Ryan’s parents were raising the child. That just proves how fake “reality” television actually is.

    1. Mack, is that you?

      Do we actually have confirmation that MTV tried to get them to sign the baby so that they could make it seem like Jen and Larry were raising it? Has anyone other than Mack said this?

    2. I don’t know if you’re Mackenzie or not but I think there’s a strong possibility you are because you’re using the same lame excuses she did in that interview she gave to right after Ryan was let go. So I’m going to go ahead and talk to you like you’re Mack.

      What is the difference?? The difference is that Ryan is literally killing himself on national TV and Maci does not want Bentley to have to watch it. That is the damn difference. Talking about Ryan’s problem is much different from actually watching him get behind the wheel of a car high out of his mind. Mack, everyone knows you are a liar and an enabler so STFU and stop making excuses and covering up for him. We’re not stupid. You’re not only making yourself look like an fool but you’re making Ryan’s problem worse by not holding him accountable for his actions. Blaming Maci & MTV for his own screw ups will not make anything better for you. Also, Bentley is not your kid so what decision Maci makes to protect him is none of your damn business.

      Maci is the only one that is smart and knows this show is only making your husband more sick. We all remember when you said he was spending $10k a week on drugs. He wouldn’t never had that money if it wasn’t for this show. She wants to protect Bentley but she also wants to stop feeding into Ryan’s illness, unlike you. You’re just pissed your big paycheck was taken away and you’re actually going to have to get a real job instead of living off of a reality show that Maci basically supplied to you.

  3. I was originally going to give this show a hard pass from here on out, but upon hearing Bristol say her life might “resignate” with others, I guess I should probably tune in in order to see how that’s physically possible.

  4. I have a difficult time calling Bristol Palin America’s most famous teen mom. Everyone who is anybody remembers that Jamie Lynn Spears ruined Zoey 101 when she got pregnant

  5. GARY should have replaced Farrah since he’s been the primary parent Leah since birth. He’s not a mom, but he’s an OG.

    1. And Barb for Teen Mom 2!

      Scrap guttersnipe Jenelle and UBT who act like Jenelle’s doing MTV a favour & give Jace’s mum, Barb, the role and big bucks.

      At least Barb’d put money aside for Jace. Doubt with the lifestyle the other 2 are living that there’ll be any $$ set aside for the plethora of kids.

  6. MTV has sunk to an all new low,if that’s even possible. This Cheyenne sounds awful. I’d be happier to hear about the other original 3 and that’s enough. I feel bad for Catelynn but wow does she ever look greasy and sloppy. I dont mean to shame her, I am just saying what I see in that picture above. If she’s already struggling with depression and feeling insecure about herself and her body the way she dresses and then she doesn’t fix her hair ever, can’t be helping at all.

    1. As someone who has struggled with depression, I can say that when it’s bad, fixing hair, putting on makeup, getting dressed, getting out of bed, etc.. all seem like impossible feats, let alone exercising and eating right. I never understood it either until I was there myself. It’s a bad cycle.

      1. I had bad ppd with my oldest son. I had no idea how bad i was till the smoke cleared. I cried everyday for 4 weeks. My dh didnt want to leave me alone with our son. That shit messes with you. I feel like they should shead more light on ppd and pps.

  7. I can already tell Cheyenne is going to ride high on my last nerve!!! So not tolerating her. Totally fine with Bristol…the overrated girls could use a bit of competition. However, would have preferred to see the original girl from Oklahoma who’s mom has cancer. That’s real life.

  8. Seriously. Not only was her casting ridiculous in the first place considering she was never a teen mom but the fact that they still kept her when those racist tweets came to light just makes me absolutely disgusted. There is no way in hell MTV would’ve been kept her if she was white and had said that about black babies.

    1. I am officially done with Teen mom 2 and OG due to Cheyenne being cast. I have been watching since 16& pregnant and I will never watch another episode. I have cancelled any future DVR recordings of both shows. The hypocrisy of MTV casting this racist piece of shit is disgusting and I will not support a network that promotes white genocide. #sorrynotsorry #peaceoutMTV

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