Amber Portwood Reveals Why She Threatened to Quit ‘Teen Mom OG’: “I Wasn’t Getting the Attention That I Felt Like Other Stars Were Getting!”

“Yeah…I realized how crappy working a 9 to 5 job would be…”

Amber Portwood spent the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019 threatening to quit the show that made her famous, and now the Teen Mom OG star admits she basically did it for attention.

In a new interview with E!’s Daily Pop, Amber talked about her decision to remain on the show, as well as why a lack of attention from those associated with ‘Teen Mom’ had her wanting to quit.

“It seemed that at the time I wasn’t getting the attention that I feel like other stars were getting, maybe [because I was] not leaving and going to a [rehab] place,” Amber told Daily Pop, adding that she felt that the producers’ weren’t sensitive enough to her postpartum depression issues.

(We can assume that the ‘other stars’ Amber is talking about includes her ‘Teen Mom OG’ co-star Catelynn Lowell, who has spent a lot of time in rehab over the past two years, some of which was filmed for ‘Teen Mom OG’ and some that wasn’t.)

“As long as the attention is divided equally, we’ll have no problems here guys…”

The Ashley broke the news last month that Amber had finally signed her Season 8 contract, despite her numerous declarations that she was quitting the show. In her new interview, Amber says that she decided to stick with it…so that the show wouldn’t tank.

“I’ve been with this franchise for 10 years now, such a long time, and I just don’t want to see the show go down like that,” she said. “I wanna amp it up a little more.”

Amber has stated that, after giving birth to her son James last year, she suffered from severe postpartum depression.

“I was going through a really hard time,” Amber said, later adding, “I’ve never felt anything like that in my life, honestly. I didn’t have [postpartum depression] with Leah. It just came out of nowhere. It scared the crap out of me, honestly.”

“I’ve got to go back to work to afford diapers! I can’t use ‘Dad Bod’ shirts to cover this kid’s tush!”

Amber stated that she is now “feeling amazing” and has “changed for the better.” (Of course, her recent online rant against Jenelle Evans— which will likely go down in the ‘Teen Mom’ History Books as the most aggressive ‘Teen Mom’ rant ever— may say otherwise.)

“I feel like if I didn’t go through all those hard times– and this is so cliche– I would never know all the wisdom that I have today at the age of 28,” Amber told the show’s hosts Carissa Culiner and Justin Sylvester.

Amber added that she no longer wants to quit the show. In fact, she says she’s “focused and ready to work.”

“Before it was just playing around and doing things and getting money, but now it’s like, it’s time to work,” she said.

(So….we can likely expect some Fit Tea Instagram ads appearing on Amber’s Instagram account in the near future…)

“For me, all I want to do is help people with what I’ve been through,” Amber said, later adding, “You can change. Just like my book says, it’s never too late to change. It’s really not.”

In the interview, Amber also opened up about her desire to have more kids with her current boyfriend Andrew Glennon.

“If it happened, it wouldn’t be a worry at all,” Amber said of a future pregnancy. “I think we would be just fine. I think when you’re with a great man like him, someone very supportive in many aspects, not just financially but emotionally, you’re a little more eager maybe to start a family with him…I really just want to settle down and have that family.”

Amber also talked about how different her life is now from when she first started on the show.

“Back in the day, I was very poor,” she said. “We didn’t have the [financial] means for anything. It was to the point where MTV, a producer, was filling up my fridge with food and stuff. It was really hard.

Gary [Shirley] was working 18-hour shifts and I was taking care of Leah by myself,” Amber said. “But I think that just made us stronger at the end.”

You can watch Amber’s full interview with E! Daily Pop in the video below!

RELATED STORY: ‘Teen Mom OG’ Renewed for Another Season: Amber Portwood & Others Returning for Season 8! (Exclusive)

39 Responses

  1. No one ever believed that Amber would quit the show. She wants the money and the fame. Strange how she wants more attention – everyone tells her that she is fat, ugly and lazy – isn’t that enough?

  2. CDAN said a while back that she signed on back because of the money. She thought she could get offers outside of mtv, but that wasn’t happening and if she didn’t sign back on she would have to find a regular job.

  3. Sometimes I want to punch my tv because this lazy selfish blob of failure is making ridiculous amounts of money.

    Then I realize it also comes at the cost of actually being her…. then I’m okay again.

    It’s getting old listening to them bitch.
    But it’s going to be fucking amazing watching the “where are they now” special in 15 years ?

    1. AND, they will only pay them maybe 5,000.00 (five grand) to show up . They will complain about the money as they grab it with both hands.

  4. Did anyone else notice that she never talks about if she’s in love with Andrew even when asked if she’s be open to having more kids with him. She just talks about what a great guy he is. Everyone of these Teen Moms with the exception of a few (Chelsea, Maci, Kail and maybe one or two others) the rest will get a rude awakening with the TM money runs out because it will one day.

  5. Lies…lies!! ‘I was looking after Leah’.
    No you weren’t.
    You were ignoring your crying kid, gettin’ high (HIGH! HIGH!) and kicking Gary down the stairs.
    Don’t rewrite history, sis.

  6. All you haters talking shit about her! Nobody is perfect and we all struggle with hardships in our lives. What gives anyone the right to judge someone’s decisions for their family?? Yeah she’s admitted to drug use,served her time. At least she’s not like Farrah who is turning her daughter into a mini Farrah!!

    1. Lol. Thats b/c Gary has Leah 95% of the time! Otherwise, Leah would be a mini-Amber. God help us all! One Amber is more than enough!

  7. She wants to amp the show up more… Well that would require you to get out of bed Amber. They need to can these shows already.

  8. Jesus Christ, this has got to be the most entitled twat of the entire TM franchise. Amber is crying and threatening to quit because she wasn’t getting enough attention. Is this bitch for real? I don’t know who she thinks she is. I don’t know another job where you can scream at, flip off, and belittle your boss, and still have a job. Delusional blob.

        1. LOL…but she is entitled…people who think they can boss around their boss because they’re not getting their way are in fact ENTITLED.

  9. She’s such a b i t c h. The ONLY reason she is saying this is because she knows she’d be broke AF without that MTV check. Girl please, you aint foolin anyone.

  10. Amber was taking care of Leah while Gary worked? Is that why Gary would come home to a crying, dirty baby left in her crib all day while Amber slept?

    And yeah, Amber, we all know you want more attention. That much is abundantly clear.

  11. Yeah, I call bullshit on never having PPD after Leah. That was literally a story line for her during the first season. She was beyond miserable and upset to be home all day with the baby while Gary was at work. They showed her going to the doctor and getting medication. They showed Gary being a bit of a dick about it. (I’ll chalk that up to him being really young and dumb.)

  12. She actually looks really good… she finally figured out her hair and isn’t rocking that god-awful bleach/pink top knot thing or a head scarf.

  13. I’m over this show! My guilty pleasure has been watching thru these recaps which give me the laughs I need but it’s producing these entitled girls who all love the attention and keep claiming they want to “share their story” when really it’s amount the $. I feel for these kids having their issues displayed on our screens for the rest of their lives constantly having to relive their trauma over and over again cause their mamas don’t know how to quit and call it a day for their children’s benefit.

  14. I would never know all the wisdom that I have today at the age of 28

    Help! I’m blind! My eyes, they’ve rolled back so far I’m afraid I might swallow them!

  15. See, I love that this site exists and we can go back to the day that she proclaimed she was quitting the show and going back to her previous career as a ………? Yea no. If one were to go back and pull up the receipts from when she was crying on Instagram that the show had “ruined her name” and when Paul Bunyan declared that mtv had “silenced her story”, it’s there for all to see the illustrious commenters on this sight calling bs in brilliant, snarky fashion. There was never any way she would walk away from the golden goose. She has become accustomed to people making her feel like she is a celebrity; newsflash cupcake, there is no way this show lasts more than two seasons, they’ve already got Teen Mom Y&P on deck and more up their sleeves. She’d better get her ducks in a row ‘cuz I don’t think they let you Marriage Bootcamp more than once and I don’t think she’s mainstream enough for Celebrity Big Brother, soooooooo, cut down your spending on mother/daughter massages and adult onesies, ‘cuz I sure don’t think you’re smart enough to have any kind of savings.

  16. Amber is so delusional. She really thinks she is an inspiration, eh?! GURL, you are saying you are sober yet you still drink, you had a baby with a guy you barely knew, beat up your ex,…I could go on. And having severe post partum and having another kid will be great too, yeah. IDIOT!

  17. I often wonder why Daddy Matt has never come out of the woodwork with explosive stories about Amber..There must be so much tea he could spill! He must have been paid off and made to sign something cos we all know he was after the fame and the money.

    1. What Tea could he possible spill?
      Hey everyone Amber is nuts…yeah we knew that.
      Amber stayed in bed all day
      Amber hardly saw Leah

      All things the world already knows

  18. Oh, Amber threatened to quit because she wasn’t getting the attention she believes she so richly deserves?

    In other news, water is wet and fire is hot.

  19. Another Teen Mom loser. Cancel the show already! It’s gotten old with all of the whining, sniveling and complaining moms. Enough already. Get some new talent, and I use that word loosely.

  20. Supporting her financial? That was good for a laugh,and we all know none of these women will ever quit, they may not be very bright but they know they can never make this kind of money doing anything else.

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