After the mediocre showing the Top 10 guys put out on Tuesday, the Top 10 girls didn’t have to do much to be an improvement. Luckily, last night’s episode was much more entertaining, confirming to me even this early in the competition, that a female should win Season 9 of American Idol.
The night started with the obligatory “Simon likes so-and-so” joke from Ryan, immediately followed by some slightly awkward and very annoying responses from Kara, his apparent flavor of the week. (Last week it was Ellen…hopefully next week it will be Randy that is the object of Simon’s desires. Get it, dawg!)
After the show had turned sufficiently awkward, it was time for some singing.

First up was Crystal Bowersox, who took ill yesterday and had to go to the hospital. Apparently, this was not a cough-and-cold; she actually has diabetes and was having complications.
Basically, Crystal rocked the house, causing everyone to recognize that she is a force to reckon with and is clearly one of the best, male or female. Crystal’s song had all of the girl’s thinking “oh crap” to themselves. My favorite performance of the night.
Lacey Brown hit the stage next. Last week Kara told her she should be doing a song like, say, “Kiss Me” by Sixpence None the Richer. (You know, that song from “She’s All That” that’s playing when that girl walks down the stairs!) So guess what Lacey picks? “Kiss Me” by Sixpence None the Richer. What a coincidence. That move made her look confused and desperate for approval.

Somewhere around here, they wheeled out made-to-be-background-performers Michelle and Katie. Both sang songs that had been overplayed on the radio. (Some annoying Creed song for Michelle— hello, 2002— and “Put Your Records On” for Katie.) Both were forgettable. Let’s just say, ladies, don’t pencil in that American Idol Top 10 tour into your summer’s calendar just yet.
My other three favorites, Lilly Scott, Katelyn Epperly and Didi Benami all did a good job in my opinion, all of them changing up their performances so they were different from last week. Lilly received rave reviews, Katelyn got mixed reviews and Didi was universally panned by the judges.
Closing the show was Siobohan. Dressed in an outfit that looked like she put it together using the clothes she found in her car’s backseat, she hit the stage ready to belt Aretha. She did pretty good, letting out an Adam Lambert-esque high note at the end that floored the judges. Randy himself said “he was stunned, dawg.”
Who do I think will go home tonight? As stated before, I think Mr. Mullet and Tim Urban will be sent packing for the boys. As for the girls, my prediction is Paige Miles and Haeley Vaughn.
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No matter what others say, I think it is still interesting and useful maybe necessary to improve some minor things