The Ashley wishes all of her Roundup readers a happy Thanksgiving! The Ashley will be enjoying a [meatless] Thanksgiving dinner tonight with family! (Shut up, vegetarians are super-cool!)

There may or may not be a holiday special post in the works, it just depends if The Ashley can put her fork down in time to get it done!
To those of you who are going shopping at the butt-crack of dawn for Black Friday: 1) you’re freaking crazy 2) don’t forget to add The Ashley to your shopping lists! 🙂 (Can’t blame a gal for trying!)
Happy Thanksgiving, my little reality gossip lovers!!!
-The Ashley
P.S. These pictures were taken in Thanksgiving Land of the coolest freaking amusement park ever…Holiday World, located in (where else?) Santa Claus, Indiana. The Ashley trekked all the way from California to go there this past May!!! Check it out, you’ll become obsessed with going, too: