Today Marks 10 Years of The Ashley’s Reality Roundup: A Look Back at the Last Decade

The very first Roundup logo…with the original site name!

“Today is a good day.”

That’s how The Ashley started her very first blog post on The Roundup…exactly 10 years ago today!

It’s hard to believe that I have been working on this website for a whole decade. Looking back, it’s amazing to see how much the site has grown, changed and improved, and I am extremely proud and humbled that people still continue to read what I have to say.

In my very first blog post from February 26, 2010, I included the short list of shows that I would cover on the site, and it’s shocking to see how much that list has changed and grown in 10 years! (At the time, I was completely obsessed with American Idol…but in my defense, the show was a lot better back then. Don’t judge me!) 

Flashback to how The Roundup looked during its first month online!

In one of the posts from my first month online, I wrote about the girls (and guys) of 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom and, sadly, I am still writing about those same people today! In the years since, though, I’ve published a book about that show and managed to make myself a thorn in the paw of the ‘Teen Mom’ producers. (Sorry, guys!) 

A post from March 2010…

In honor of The Ashley Reality Roundup’s 10-year anniversary, I’m looking back back at the top-read story from each year, to show how the site has changed over the years!

2010: “Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Maci Bookout’s Tattoos” (This was by far the most-read post of the blog’s first year! People are still obsessed with Maci’s tattoos, all these years later!) 

2011: “‘Kitchen Nightmares’ Season 1: Where Are They Now?” (A look at which restaurants from the first season of  ‘Kitchen Nightmares’ were still in business…as of 2011, anyway…)

2012: “‘Kitchen Nightmares’ Season 3: Where Are They Now?” (Folks REALLY wanted to know what happened to these restaurants, apparently…)

2013: “Answers to More of Your Frequently Asked Questions About ‘Sister Wives'” (People were very curious about ‘Sister Wives,’ even several years after it premiered, which made this the most-read story of 2013.) 

2014: “Cody Lundin Speaks Out About His ‘Dual Survival’ Firing: ‘It’s Shocking Discovery Would Treat Anyone in This Manner'” (Fans of the Discovery Channel show were eager to get fired host Cody Lundin’s side of the story back in 2014!) 

2015: “More Details About David Preston Jessop, the First Husband of ‘Sister Wives’ Star Robyn Brown” (‘Sister Wives’ was huge back in 2015, and fans were dying for more details about Robyn’s mysterious ex-husband, so it’s no surprise this was 2015’s most-read story!) 

2016: Jenelle Evans is Pregnant Again!” (This was a memorable one for The Ashley from 2016. Jenelle had been denying for months that she was pregnant with her third child, but The Ashley’s sources told her Jenelle was, indeed, knocked up. Sure enough, baby Ensley came along months later…just as The Ashley said she would!) 

2017: “Insiders Say Camila Nakagawa Won’t Appear on ‘The Challenge’ Again…” (This exclusive story on ‘The Challenge’ star Camila Nakagawa’s epic meltdown was the most-popular post of 2017.) 

2018: Kail Lowry is No Longer Working with ‘Teen Mom 2’ Producer JC Cueva: Here’s Why” (2018 was full of ‘Teen Mom’ news, but this story was the one that was most-read in 2018!) 

2019: Jenelle Evans’ Son Kaiser Removed From Her Home By CPS” (The Ashley has broken a lot of stories about Jenelle over the years; however this story, which began the saga of her fight to regain custody of her kids last summer, was the most-read story from 2019.) 

2020: “Chris Lopez Confirms He’s the Father of Kail Lowry’s 4th Baby & Blurts Out the Gender” (This has been the most-read story of the year…so far!) 


I would like to thank all of the longtime readers who have supported this site and helped it grow. I would also like to thank all of the newer readers who make it so fun to write about the crazy, wacky reality TV stars. I am forever grateful for your support (and for the fact that I am not alone in my reality TV obsession!) 

Back on February 26, 2010, I ended my first blog post with “Stay tuned…there’s lots of exciting things to come….” and I truly hope that continues to be true! 

Again, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Here’s to (at least) another 10 years! 

Love, The Ashley 

38 Responses

  1. Thank you so much for the last 10 years ????!
    I have to admit that I’ll drift away from the site here and there, but I always come back ?.

    The captions are always a fav!

  2. Reality tv needs a shake up. Let’s take Mama June to Bravo to be an “intern” housewife in ALL of the housewives shows for a year and watch those gals whip her drug ass in shape! Put her on the couch (no men are permitted near her without wearing protective gear and Lysol) and let Andy have at her. Same with: Farrah, Jenelle, Tom Sandoval (this kid needs a major shake up) and then we send GENO to Survivor with a summer stint in the Big Brother House on SLOP 24/7 and in a room by himself. Then he becomes The Bachelor (ack!) and we only allow senior citizen women on the show with him (the new concept for Bachelor that they are trying to get started). By then Mama June should be whipped in to parental shape and Geno will be begging to go on Dr. Phil …. I don’t know just some random thoughts for the one day in February that we rarely see: Feb. 29th! Have a great weekend and happy decade and keep bringing it strong writers! xxoo

  3. CONGRATS! I honestly have been following your site on and off almost since the beginning. I watched every 16 and pregnant episode and always loved reading your reviews directly after. You have made watching enjoyable! Seriously thank you! I don’t watch any of the shows anymore but I still check back all the time to read your articles.

  4. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Awesome! Love your website Ashley

  5. Congratulations on 10 years! May the Teen Mom and Sisterwives franchises provide us with many more years of trash TV to recap!

      1. Lord help us if the “teen” mom and fundie shows last another 10 seasons. Imagine all of the additional spawn, oopsie babies and blessings that will be added to the fold in that time by the very fertile cast of characters. Especially if they keep receiving health paychecks.

        Most of the TM girlses will be grandmas in another 10 years ?

    1. For me, The Ashley makes this trash not worth watching since the recaps, breaking news reports and reader comments are way better than watching the shows. Plus I get the satisfaction of keeping up with the trash for amusement, but not contributing to ratings and sponsors that keep these trashy characters living the high life (or in many cases, just being able to stay HIGH, HIGH).

  6. Prediction for end-of-year 2020 most-read story:

    “Jenelle Evans pregnant, lied about getting her tubes tied”

    1. My prediction for 10 years from now’s top story:
      ‘history repeats itself; a rundown on how many ‘teen mom’ moms have become grandmas-so far’ and ‘Sophia’s tell-all book signing interrupted by homeless Farrah’s surprise appearance, escorted out by security again.’

  7. I’ve been coming here forever for the great reads, and the tickle I get downstairs from Sir Nibs. Congratulations Ashley, please don’t ever stop making me laugh, and calling it like you see it. xo

  8. I’ve been reading your blog for years! I don’t remember how I found it, but I got hooked on your Teen Mom recaps and have been reading ever since. I even bought your teen mom book when it launched.

  9. I love how this is one of the only sites that keeps us updated years after a show goes off the air…I found the site looking for updates on the cast of Sorority Life, and I love the updates on engaged and underage.

  10. Big congratulations! I love your site! I’m kind of addicted to it, actually. I check it multiple times a day. Wow! I knew Robyn Brown had been married before, but I didn’t realize it was to one of the Jessops. In my defense, I don’t really watch that show that much. The Jessop family is one of the five main polygamy families in Utah. I saw that on another polygamy show. I don’t know why I watch some of those documentaries comment because it’s sickening. Maybe because I hope some of the people will escape?

  11. Omg I remember the old logo! Ever since finding this site ( I think it was link from D-listed?) I’ve enjoyed your snark, sass and sense of humor on all things trashy reality tv (which I love). Let’s hope Teen Mom doesn’t last another 10 years- but The Ashley does—and beyond. Congrats!

  12. Congratulations on 10 years. You are the only click bait site I ever read she so here’s to many many more years.

  13. Many happy returns, the Ashley. Thank you so much for the many laughs you have given over the years and continue to give now. Your humour has brightened many a dull time in my life.

  14. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (checkbox) *]
    Happy birthday and thank u ..I enjoy this so much

  15. I can not count the number of times this site has been my savior while sitting in the carpool line, waiting for kids sports practice to end, oil changes, the laundry mat when my washer broke (horrible week), during my self imposed personal time outs, etc etc.

    So I THANK YOU!!

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