‘Teen Mom’ Jenelle’s Fight Tape Sells For $45,000?! No Wonder She Could Make Bail!

“Just trying to make my momma proud!”

Our lil’ Juuuuhnelle is quite the business woman, apparently.

According to the Brittany Maggard, the girl who pushed Jenelle into her victim before the fight, Jenelle herself was the one who decided to sell the video footage of the fight to a photo agency.

According to TMZ, after the fight, Britany said she and a friend came up with the idea to sell the video — and Jenelle not only thought it was a “good idea” … but she called “someone she knows at a [photo] agency to purchase the video.”

Naturally, Jenelle wanted a bigger cut, telling them, “You wouldn’t get any money if I wasn’t famous!”

However, Jenelle did an interview yesterday with E! News and told a slightly different story. She claims that Brittany actually sold the tape, and got $45,000 from it!! (Think of all the cigarettes and tattoos that could buy! OMG!)

Jenelle claims she’s all broken up about the whole incident, telling E! “She told me herself and I got very upset.I cried for two hours.” She also claims that Brittany is the only one who made money off the video, which she said sold for only $5,000.

2 Responses

  1. Sickening! We all know these VILE teen moms are making $$$$ from selling stories, videos, etc. to the In Touch Weekly’s, US magazines. This whole this is a huge scam. I’m sure these teens are going to figure out which story line will sell, and marry baby daddy’s just for $$$$ and ratings, and get divorced quietly after the season is over. The whole thing is a scam by the stupidest teens imaginable for $$$$$$.

  2. I think that britney is lieing I think she is trying to said anything to make sure she does not get in to more trouble . I believe that Janelle was going there to fight the girl and she didnt know it was going to be film I think out of the girls involved Janelle has more to lose. Janelle should of be smart enough to know that people would sell her out like Keeifer did and her so called best friend did. Janelle has problems and she need to get help everyone deserves a second chance like I said before instead of mtv giving any of the girls money. They should of really had some guideline with recieve the money because then they all would of been on their best behavior to get that money.

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