The Ashley is stoked! Crystal Bowersox, her favorite American Idol contestant (after the amazing Adam Lambert, of course) will be performing on ‘Idol’ next Thursday! Crystal confirmed it on her official website.
The Ashley is such a fan of Crystal, both as a musician and as a person. You’ve probably already read The Ashley’s rave reviews of Crystal’s album, so I’ll spare you that. (If you want to read it, here it is.)
Crystal knows exactly who she is as an artist. She won The Ashley’s respect the night that she sang and received contradicting suggestions from Randy and Simon about what she needed to do for the next week. When Ryan asked her, “Who are you going to listen to?” and she replied “Me,” I was sold.
I was even more on board the Crystal Bowersox train after I read a newspaper story about how Crystal, while on the ‘Idol’ tour in St. Louis, went out in front of the stadium and sang along with a guy who was performing for tips nearby.
At the St. Louis stop of the “Idol” tour, Bowersox said, there was a street performer outside the venue who broke down in tears of joy after she sang along with him and helped earn him $1,000 in tips.
“He cried, and said ‘You don’t know how much I needed this today,’” she said. “He had no idea who I was. I mean, I was in his place just a little over a year ago.”
Crystal is a former street performer and subway busker, as you may remember. If not, click here to watch a cool video of her performing in a subway station in Chicago.
Love, love, LOVE this girl! I don’t even care who gets voted off on Thursday, because I’m so excited about Crystal! Bruno Mars is also performing on Thursday’s show….in case you care. (I don’t.)