It’s T-Shirt Time! (Gary Shirley Style!)

It's a Gary-a-palooza!

A long time ago The Ashley told you that Teen Mom star Gary Shirley was launching a clothing line. Well, kids, The Ashley is pleased to tell you that this vision has become a reality! Gary’s T-shirt line is launching today! Check out Gary’s Facebook page for all the info on the “It’s Gary Time” fashion line! Most of the proceeds from the shirts will go to Baby Leah (the other proceeds will go to shirt production and shipping, according to Gar-Bear’s friend and T-shirt co-producer, Evan Parker).

The Ashley can’t decide if Gary is launching these shirts as a sort of a tongue-in-cheek joke (one has boxing gloves, obviously a nod to his domestic scuffles with AMBO.) If this is the case, Gary is even cooler than The Ashley originally thought! Who knew Gar-Bear had a great sense of humor?

Yes, yes it is!

The Ashley would like to purchase one of these shirts in every single design and color. She will model it proudly all over Los Angeles, and even on some of her creepy trips across America! I want the one with the Gary head on it the most! That’s pretty much the coolest thing The Ashley has ever seen.

OK, guys, fess up. Who’s ordering one of these shirts? What better shirt to wear when “it’s T-shirt time” than one with a smiling Gary Shirley head on it?!

According to Gary, the shirts are supposed to launch today(!) and they can be shipped anywhere, even internationally! You can bet your sweet booty that there will be a few shirts shipped to Los Angeles for The Ashley!

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