The Ashley just found out that her favorite WeTV show, Downsized, is coming back! She was so worried that she had seen the last of the Bruce/Ramsey clan, but luckily, this is not the case. Todd, Laura, and their brood of children will be back starting August 9!
There will be 10 new episodes! Laura Bruce confirmed to The Ashley exclusively that the family will be doing a live chat session with fans on August 9 (at noon CST time) on the Downsized Facebook page.
In case you’re not familiar with this awesome show, it follows a blended family that is struggling with money problems. They’ve often been compared to a modern-day Brady Bunch, as both parents brought kids from previous marriages and made one family.
Like the Bradys, who were living large thanks to Mike’s cushy architect job, the Ramsey/Bruces were living the good life at one time. Then Todd’s construction company took a dive with the economy and now they have dumpster dive for recyclables and give up Starbucks. Oh, the horrors of lower-middle-class living.
Imagine if Marsha Brady had had to buy second-hand polyester plaid pants, or if Greg Brady had to bust out his Johnny Bravo gear and sing outside the 7-11 for spare change!
Anyway, fans of the show may remember that when we last left off with the family, Todd was contemplating moving from Arizona to Minnesota for a position.
So what’s happened since then? Well, it looks like Todd did not take the job because the family appears to still be living in Anthem, Arizona. Todd is still running a construction/landscaping company, Stone Canyon Construction.
Daughters Bailey and Heather were both trying to figure out a way to afford going to Arizona State University when we last saw them. Evidently, that didn’t end up happening, as Heather is currently attending Glendale Community College and working at the mall. (Nothing wrong with that! The Ashley worked her way through college!)
The Ashley is stoked! Will you guys be watching the new season of ‘Downsized?’
Update: Click here to watch a sneak peek of Season 2, courtesy of Laura Bruce (who’s a fan of the Roundup!)
(Photos: Facebook)
5 Responses
Just recently found this show. My heart goes out to Todd. He is wonderful leader and doing his best to provide for his family. I love how they are working together to make things better. I truly believe many of us have made the same mistakes they have…….over spending because of not being aware what might change in the future. I got my husband to watch these episodes and he was so proud of the way Todd was working so hard to make things better for his family.
We were wondering if Todd does work in Prescott Valley?
Is Bruce Todd related to the serial rapist Robert Howard Bruce? They look alot alike. Just wondering!
Never watched this show but I’ll have to check and see if I get the channel it’s on. Reminds me of my own life, except for the fact that my brother and I are dumpster diving solo.
never heard of it..what network is it on?
and im pretty sure theyll be upgrading soon anyway bc of this show and if they happen to get an interview in a magaizne.
I love downsized its my favorite show I hope they make it back on their shoes soon