’16 & Pregnant’ Girl Leaves First Baby & May Be Pregnant Again!

"Oh good, my pregnancy test results came!"

Paging Dr. Drew pronto!! I know this story is on the snarky/mean side but honestly I just can’t help it…how can these girls keep getting pregnant over and over?!?!

Rumors are flying that yet another of the Season 3 16 & Pregnant girls is pregnant again. Last week, Danielle Cunningham shocked the world (OK…not actually the whole world, but the world of creepy people who love this show as much as The Ashley) when a story posted on her website admitting that she thinks she is pregnant– AGAIN! And from what The Ashley hears, the second pregnancy is just the tip of the iceberg of what’s happening in Danielle’s “vida loca.”

A family member of Danielle’s tells The Ashley that the last thing Danielle needs is another child, as she’s not even taking care of the child she currently has, Jaime Jr.

Apparently, she has run off without telling her family where she has gone. Even more shocking, she’s left Jaime Jr. with her mother, Casey.

season 3
Baby Jaime looks thrilled at the prospect of being a big brother....

“[Casey] is already raising [her own] three children as a newly single mother, due to her husband cheating on her, in addition to Jaime Jr. She can not raise another baby!” the source said, adding that Casey had no idea Danielle thought she was pregnant again. She learned when she read the post on Danielle’s website!)

Anyway, Danielle hasn’t announced if she’s officially pregnant as of yet; apparently she’s too afraid to go to the doctor and find out for sure. If she is pregnant, the father is the same guy she had her first baby with. (Please, somebody buy this kid a vasectomy for Christmas!)

Jaime Jr.’s first birthday is in one week so her family is curious if she’ll turn up in time to celebrate. For the sake of everyone involved, I hope that this turns out to be a false alarm!

Update 10/4/11: Apparently, Danielle has confirmed her pregnancy on her blog. It’s official: there’s another baby on its way. Good Lord.

Update 10/6/11: This story keeps getting stranger and stranger. I guess Danielle went back to the doctor for an ultrasound and they found that there is (no longer?) a baby growing in her womb. Starcasm did a nice recap of what happened, so I will refer you to that story. Click here to read more.

Update 10/17/11: Well, we now know where Jaime Sr., the baby-daddy, has been in all of this: in jail! He was arrested last week for violating his parole stemming back from a 2010 misdameanor assault charge. It appears that he’s currently incarcerated, and he isn’t set to be released until March of 2012! Read this Starcasm story for more information!

(Photos: MTV)

17 Responses

  1. Starcasm actually just wrote an article saying that she did go to the doctor and they confirmed that she is NOT going to have another baby. They found a womb but there was no embryo inside so she’s pretty much having a miscarriage so to speak.. It really is the most painful thing anyone has to go through, so even though she is young and was definitely not ready for another child, the loss of a baby is not one we should make light of.

        1. It’s actually a real medical condition. The egg and sperm meet, but the embryo doesn’t attach to the uteren wall. You start having all the symptoms of pregnancy, including a positive pregnancy test. The body thinks its pregnant, there’s just no baby there.

          Maybe you should do your research before calling others stupid 🙂

          1. Yes it is a real medical condition, however; they found a sack. Not a womb. Every woman with a reproductive system has a womb. Nice try though!

          2. B has already responded to this for me! (Thanks B!) Maybe you should do *your* VERY BASIC research before implying I’m stupid? To be perfectly honest I’m a bit worried that anyone old enough to post on an internet site thinks that a womb is something that a woman only has when she’s pregnant…

  2. This information is not all correct but at least you did a better job then Heather… your probably always do though

    1. It came from a very good source. If any of it is incorrect, it was because the source was not aware of everything at the point of the interview! I will update it as much as possible to reflect only correct info. -The Ashley

  3. I have to say, isn’t name spelled J-A-M-I-E not J-A-I-M-E like the french word? LOL But I love the pic captions, and she needs to learn how to take AND use birth control PROPERLY!! Why can’t 1 of these girls endorse condoms?! I hope her Mother Casey gets a break, poor Glammy!! She shouldn’t be raising Jamie, DANIELLE should!! If she couldn’t handle 1, how will she handle another?! Theres people in this world that can’t have babies, she should be THANKFUL for her kids AND Mother who takes care of JamieJr! Oh, and, someone please tell her to find a guy she CAN’T fight with for her next babydaddy!!

      1. I now how you guys fill cause
        i was 14 and pregnant to with my
        1st girl and i had 5 kids it is hard
        these days i did not have no money?????????

  4. Just wow and this is out of control I wish instead of MTV. Giving the girls money maybe they should get the girls counselors and support groups.

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