’16 & Pregnant’ Dad Sentenced to Five Months in Jail

16 & Pregnant
Jailhouse Rock for Jamie!

Another day, another 16 & Pregnant loser baby-daddy in jail.

Apparently Jaime Alderman, baby-daddy to Season 3’s Danielle Cunningham has been sent to the slammer for violating his probation, stemming from an assault charge from 2010. He was booked into the Licking County Jail (LOL’ing that the county’s name is “Licking”) on October 13.

Jamie better get comfortable; he’ll be in jail for a while. His release date is set for March 11, 2012, which means he’ll be locked up for about five months. The 20-year-old will be resting comfortably in Bed #2 of the D-Block. (Glamorous!)

Danielle, who has said she does not speak to Jamie, posted this on her Facebook fanpage today:

“‎144 days until Jamie is out of jail. Going to visit him next week. Damn, its crazy to think you are gonna be gone until March. Well the place you’re at is the best place for you right now.”

Luckily, Danielle’s only about a half hour away from the jail where Jamie’s staying. There is one problem though: Danielle is legally still a minor, therefore she has to have a signed parental consent form to visit the jail. As you Roundupers know, Danielle and her mama, Casey, aren’t on the best of terms right now (she’s taking care of Danielle’s son) and probably isn’t too apt to do any favors for Danielle. (Click the link below to find out more about that!)

The Ashley doesn’t feel bad for Jamie (because he got himself into this mess) and she doesn’t feel bad for Danielle (who has been a cesspool of drama herself lately). She does, however, feel bad for Jamie Jr. who will miss out on having almost half of a year with his dad. (Hey, even a crappy dad is better than no dad at all!)

Who knows, maybe Jamie Sr. will turn his life around while in the clink…they do offer GED and (haha) “reproductive health” classes there!

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