Zooey Deschanel Reveals: “I’m a ‘Real Housewives’ Fan!”

"What? You watch this crap too!"

Zooey Deschanel is the “it” girl of the moment, but The Ashley has loved her for years. (Did you see her singing the National Anthem at the World Series last night? Of course, The Ashley did not because she doesn’t watch the sports or anything with redeeming value, but I did YouTube it this morning…so good!)

Anyway, The Ashley’s been a big fan of Zooey for a long time, so it was extra exciting when The Ashley was able to interview her during a FOX network event last month! (She’s darling and sweet in person, just FYI!)

During our interview, Zooey revealed that even she has guilty pleasures when it comes to reality TV!

“I really like the Bravo shows…I like those Real Housewives shows!” she told The Ashley.

A cute pic I snapped of Zooey at the event!

Also on Zooey’s DVR as a must-record? NOVA, a documentary/science series over on the PBS. (Don’t feel stupid, The Ashley’s never heard of it either, but according to Zooey, it’s really good! It sounds like it has way too much redeeming value for me though.)

Although she enjoys a good ‘Housewives’ episode, she’s not so big on other popular reality shows, especially Jersey Shore.

“They get paid to party for a living and it seems weird,” she said. “It’s fine but I get worried about kids watching it, kind of.”

Anyway, as The Ashley said, Zooey was a delight and if you’re not watching her new show The New Girl, you need to do so! It’s really good. (I know it’s not a reality show but I still watch it….shhh don’t tell!)

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