Dr. Drew is the Silver Fox that will not stop! He’s added yet another job to his already busy schedule, which includes a daytime talk show on HLN and the show Lifechangers (which three of the girls from Teen Mom will be featured on very shortly, by the way).
He is also the host of the 16 & Pregnant/Teen Mom reunions. And he does the “Loveline” radio show every night. And he’s a doctor.
He’s like Ryan Seacrest…only with glasses….and not annoying.
Anyway, the good Doctor will once again be trying to help drug addicts get sober, according to a Newswire press release that went out today. Dr. Drew is known for his Celebrity Rehab show (as well as its spin offs Sex Rehab and Sober House), but according to the press release, the new season will not feature famous people.
Instead, it will “follow the real-life experiences of young adults who are struggling with addiction as they undergo the same detoxification and treatment plan at The Pasadena Recovery Center as utilized in ‘Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew,'” the press release said. The new show will likely be called ‘Rehab with Dr. Drew.’
Um….shouldn’t it be called Intervention? I’m pretty sure these shows are basically identical in premise. (Except for the presence of Dr. Drew, of course!)
Apparently, many ‘normal’ people over the years have requested Dr. Drew’s help with getting sober, but because he had all the celebrities on his shows, he wasn’t able to help them. He has done work in many rehab centers, but spends most of his time these days filming television shows.
“It is my sincere hope that this show will encourage people who are struggling to seek the help,” Dr. Drew said in the press release. “Treatment works and there is hope and recovery is possible.”
The show will premiere this summer on VH-1. The Ashley isn’t sure she will be watching or not (but she probably will because she has no life). It won’t be the same without the former porn stars, child actors and general creepskulls that usually populate this show’s cast though.
4 Responses
The Ashley has the BEST blog EVER. Thanks for all you do for us reality TV addicts. Without this blog, I would know almost none of this stuff. A few times a day I come here, looking to see if there’s anything new…maybe I need non-celebrity rehab for reality addiction!
LOL!! Best comment of the week by far! -The Ashley
P.S. Thank you!!
I wish it was celebrity rehab again! It was crazy to think that Jason Wahler, Jeff Conaway & Jessica Kiper all became addicts. Sad Jeff passed away.