“16 & Pregnant” Star Sarah Roberts: “Being a Virgin Isn’t a Bad Thing!”

Tonight on 16 & Pregnant we will meet Sarah Roberts, a 16-year-old girl who gets pregnant, only to have her baby-daddy split less than a month after her daughter, Tinleigh, is born. (The baby-daddy looks like a real treat, from what I can tell from the preview!)

Anyway, Sarah was recently asked to share her story on the Huffington Post‘s Teen blog. In her post, she describes the shock and sadness she felt once her baby-daddy hit the bricks.

“I was with a boy I thought was my best friend — a boy I saw myself spending my whole life with,” Sarah wrote. “He was loving, caring and fun — he was my first everything. When I told him I was pregnant, I was confident he would be there to support me and our baby. Three weeks after our daughter Tinleigh was born, he was gone.

“I felt betrayed, angry and hurt. I’m now a teen mother, and a single mother,” she said. “I love my daughter more than anything in the world, but the reality is that being a mom at 17 is difficult. There are, of course, great moments, but it’s difficult not to wonder what might have been if I’d made different choices in life.”

Sadly, we see a lot of stories like Sarah’s on ’16 & Pregnant.’ In fact, it’s rare that the baby-daddy sticks around at all. (Last week’s girl, Hope, got lucky when she found Ben, a guy that stuck around to care for her and their baby. Hold onto that one, girl!)

“I’m sharing my story tonight on MTV’s ’16 and Pregnant,’ and I hope that other young women will watch it and think about the potential consequences of unprotected sex,” Sarah wrote. “I was like so many other young girls out there — I didn’t think it would happen to me. But it did.”

She finishes her post by giving other girls advice about preventing pregnancy.

“Being a virgin isn’t a bad thing! If someone really loves you, they will understand how you feel about sex and protection,” she wrote.

Um….pretty sure MTV made a mistake by not picking Sarah to be on the upcoming Teen Mom 3 series. She seems like a smart cookie who could help to spread the show’s original message (preventing teen pregnancy), instead of just promoting drama.  (Yes, there’s still one spot open on ‘Teen Mom 3’–click here to see who’s been confirmed–but I know for a fact Sarah is not the fourth girl. Unfortunately.)

(Photo: Twitter)

2 Responses

  1. I agree, and I am excited about seeing her episode later tonight. I wish that MTV would have waited until this season was over before announcing the new girls of Teen Mom, because I can’t help but feel a little disappointed by the choices so far. I feel like all of the girls are amazing in their own right for what they have already gone through being teen moms, and Alex was one of my favorites, but I think it might be refreshing to have a season without the drama of the past two.

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