Did ‘Bachelorette’ Emily Maynard Cheat on Fiance Jef Holm?

A photo taken during that fateful weekend

Holy tabloid scandal, Batman!

Last month, US Weekly scored big time after uncovering the Kristen Stewart cheating scandal and running exclusive photos and information about Kristen’s fling with her director. They seem eager to keep the streak going, and are now releasing information about yet another cheating scandal.

Yesterday, the mag debuted their latest issue, with a cover story claiming that Bachelorette star Emily Maynard is on the rocks with her fiance Jef Holm after he caught her sexting another man!

According to the story, Emily and Rikki were down in South Carolina visiting Jef’s do-gooder parents, who are serving on some sort of Mormon mission. Things were going great until Jef managed to get his paws on Emily’s phone, only to find sexy-time photos and explicit texts that were sent to another man! (Brad Womack, is that you?!)

It’s hard to picture prim-and-proper Emily sending out raunchy texts and sexy-time photos, but, hey, we all have a little freak in us, yes?

Anyway, fans of the couple protested that this was just another made-up tabloid rumor, especially after Emily and Jef spoke with People to deny the cheating scandal.

“It’s 100-percent not true,” Emily told the magazine.

“It’s just bogus a ‘source’ would [say] we were fighting,” Jeff added. “None of that is true. It’s funny to me, we were in a gated community in a private home with just my brothers and sisters. It’s just bogus a ‘source’ would [say] we were fighting. None of that is true.”

It is funny….except that Jef’s brother, Mike Holm, was likely the anonymous source behind this story. How do we know? Yesterday, Mark released a statement to US Weekly saying that the cover story (which they probably paid him BIG bucks for) is, indeed, factual.

“I can tell you that it’s all 100% true,” Mark told US. “I was there and I heard the fight and watched the whole thing go down, Emily leaving and everything. I love my brother very much and, like the rest of our family, I just want him to be happy.”

Well, selling stories about him to a tabloid is a great way to help with that.

Jef responded to his brother’s statement with the following tweet:

“I can get frisky too, y’all!”

“It’s crazy what people will do, even family members, to see their name in a magazine.”

What does The Ashley think of all of this? Obviously she wasn’t inside Emily’s iPhone, so she can’t tell you for sure, but judging from what The Ashley has read, it sounds like a fame- (or money-) hungry family member that released the story to make a quick buck off of his brother’s relationship.

Even if it were true, it seems that the couple is doing fine as of now. In fact, Jef recently met Ricki’s grandparents for the first time. (They are the parents of Rikki’s late father.)

Stay tuned! I’m sure this scandal isn’t over yet!

You can see more photos from that fateful weekend in South Carolina here. (They are all family photos, not the “sexy-time” photos supposedly found on Emily’s phone. Sorry guys.)

(Photos: Instagram, ABC)

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