MTV to Bring Back Original ‘Teen Mom’ Girls…Again

"We're like herpes...we just keep coming back!"

Looks like MTV is going to milk this cash cow until it’s dry!

The network announced today that Teen Mom fans can expect to see the mugs of Maci, Farrah, Catelynn and Amber back on their television screens very soon, despite the fact that ‘Teen Mom’ aired its last episode earlier this month. Two specials will air in October that will feature the original girls.

The first will be called the “Teen Mom Farewell Special” and is set to air on Tuesday, October 2 at 10 p.m.

“This special will go inside the stories of these young mothers with never-before-seen footage including their original casting tapes, behind-the-scenes secrets, and dramatic updates direct from the moms on where they are now,” stated the MTV press release from this morning.

Not going to lie…I’m kind of dying to watch the casting tapes.

The second special, entitled “Teen Mom: Ask the Moms” (Wow, I bet it took them forever to come up with that title) will air the following Tuesday at 10:30 p.m. The press release states that the four girls will answer questions that were submitted by fans. (Even Amber? Are they going to beam her in via satellite to answer some 16-year-old’s burning question? Is my tax money paying for this?)

“From whether Maci and Ryan have ever hooked up post breakup to whether or not any of the girls will be on TV again, Maci, Farrah, Amber and Catelynn dish on moments throughout the series, their love lives, the realities of filming, and more,” the press release promises.

The Ashley finds all this humorous, of course. MTV just can’t let this show go. They have exhausted every possible episode they could for the final season (after last night’s yawnfest “Unseen Moments” episode) and are eager to find new ways to get these girls back on TV (and back to getting them ratings).

Will you be watching the specials? Despite what The Ashley says, you know her crappy-TV-loving-butt will be parked in front of her TV when these specials air!

(Photo: MTV)

5 Responses

  1. I really think they should have waited awhile to have this special. Are they going to talk about cate smoking from a bong?? hehehe

  2. I am really getting sick of these girls. Except Cate, she can stay. Bring on TM2 already!!! What, are they waiting until the footage is TWO years old???

  3. I can’t wait to see the casting tapes either. I’m sure Farrah was bratty through her interview and Amber. Oh goodness just think about it makes me anxious but yeah, I’d rather wait a year till I see them again just cause I’m sure much hasn’t happened since the last episode besides Amber being in jail.

  4. I would love to let MTV maybe wait a year and then return to them, especially Cate and Ty’s wedding.

    I hate the idea that there are casting tapes for this thing..

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