Do Carly’s Adoptive Parents Regret Their Decision to Be on ‘Teen Mom?’

Teen Mom

Back in 2009, MTV viewers watched (most of them in tears) as Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra handed their newborn daughter, Carly, to her new adoptive parents, Brandon and Teresa. (The Ashley ranks this event as the Number 1 “Most Dramatic Moment” in 16 & Pregnant history.) Since that moment, Brandon and Teresa have become semi-celebrities, having been featured on many episodes of ‘Teen Mom’ in the following years.

When Catelynn and Tyler chose Brandon and Teresa to be Carly’s adoptive parents, they hadn’t yet been chosen for ’16 & Pregnant.’ Later, they found out that the couple had been chosen by MTV for the show, and that their adoption would soon become very public. Brandon discussed this in a recent interview for Lifelines magazine.

“In retrospect, we are glad that they were part of the show,” he said. “We are thankful that it has really given Catelynn and Tyler great purposes in life.

“Catelynn and Tyler have told their story, and it has changed lives. We hope and pray that it has saved lives too. We are thankful that Catelynn and Tyler were a part of the show and that we are a small part, even if it saves one life.”

In the same interview, Teresa shared that it is hard for her and Brandon to watch the show sometimes, because they have to watch Catelynn and Tyler struggle with their decision.

“It has been very hard that our adoption has been very public,” said Teresa. “We watch what our birthparents are going through on TV. It’s something I would expect birthparents to go through while dealing with their grief and loss but it’s still hard to see and process it.”

Seriously, Catelynn and Tyler could not have chosen better people to adopt their daughter. Brandon and Teresa are amazing people.

(Photo: MTV)

(If you want to read the whole article, you can purchase the issue with the story in it here. I’m not able to link it, unfortunately.)

9 Responses

  1. I think that Brandon & Teresa are amazing as well. Catelynn and Tyler made a great choice as to whom would raise Carly. Love them all and best wishes!

  2. All four parents seem to be truly amazing people and Caitlin and Tyler are two of the most mature people on tv – reality or fiction. I truly wish them all the best.

  3. I always wondered about that. I also wonder if Tyler and Caitlin would have kept Carly if they had know they were going to be on the show, since then they would be at least financially stable.

  4. Catelynn and Tyler do get paid by MTV and the Bethany adoption agency. They just bought a new house with the money they earned being adoption pimps.“Catelynn and Tyler have been hard at work renovating their new home that the recently bought together. The couple is turning it into a beautiful home of their dreams. I have to say they have great taste and the place is looking fabulous!”If you read comments on that article you can see that a lot of people find it offensive that they are making so much money being adoption pushers.

    1. You are aware that the only reason they have a house is BECAUSE they gave up their daughter, right? If they had kept her, they would just be plain olf Cate and Ty…

  5. This line is written wrong…..”When Catelynn and Tyler chose Brandon and Teresa to be Carly’s birthparents, they hadn’t yet been chosen for ’16 & Pregnant.’”
    Catelynn and Tyler ARE the birth parents and they choose Brandon and Teresa to be the ADOPTIVE parents.

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