Christina Aguilera Makes Fun of Past Winners of ‘The Voice’

Raise your hand if you just made an ass out of yourself!

Bitter, party of one? Your table is ready!

Christina Aguilera kept it classy, as always, after Dez Duron, the last remaining member of her team, was voted off The Voice.

No, I’m kidding…she was actually a complete crabgoblin.

Instead of graciously accepting her team’s loss, Christina decided to use the opportunity to bag on the past two winner of the show, Jermaine Paul and Javier Colon, both of which she felt paled in comparison to the members of her team that finished behind them.

“[My former mentee] Chris Mann, prime example,” she told US Weekly. “Came in fourth last year. It’s like ultimately, who’s the real winner? Who’s Javier? Who’s Jermaine? At this point, I think it’s all about Chris Mann, thank you!”

Um, ouch. Just because you have failed to produce a winner for three seasons, (maybe if you stopped talking about yourself every once in a while, you would!) doesn’t mean you have to insult people.

Javier and Jermaine have refrained from getting into a feud with Christina, keeping mum on her comments. Jermaine, however, did post a photo to his Twitter account with a caption that read “Haters Gon Hate” the day after Christina made her catty comment.

Christina, go curl your wig and leave these guys alone.

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