Has ‘Teen Mom 2’ Lost Its Original Message?

“Tell me again…who’s Jace?”

Awhile back, The Ashley wrote an editorial opinion piece on how Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans‘ antics have made MTV eager to cancel the show and lose Jenelle as a liability. (If you want to read that piece, click here.)

The folks over at the Today Show’s blog read that and asked The Ashley to dive deeper into whether or not the show has strayed from its original purpose–to help prevent teen pregnancy by showing how hard teenage motherhood really is.

The Ashley realizes she will probably catch some flak for writing this piece (but, hey, what’s new?!) but this is something she is frequently asked to comment on by fans of the show, readers and news outlets, so The Ashley felt it was important to finally share her thoughts on this.

In The Ashley’s opinion, yes, the show has strayed very far from its original purpose, and now focuses on boyfriend and legal drama, rather than motherhood. At times, the kids seem more like background props that the show’s stars.

To read The Ashley’s full article for Today.com and all her thoughts on this, click here.

Feel free to share your opinion on this topic in the comments section below! The Ashley loves to hear what y’all think!

(Photo: MTV)

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