BIG NEWS! The Ashley’s Book, “Teen Mom Confidential” is Now Available For Purchase!

You should buy me!
You should buy one…trust me!

The Ashley has some exciting news! Teen Mom Confidential: Secrets and Scandals From MTV’s Most Controversial Shows, the book that The Ashley co-authored, is now available for purchase!!!

Although we were told it would not be ready to go until April 22, things happened much faster than we expected, and the book is officially available for purchase as of today!

In case you missed The Ashley’s original announcement letting the world know that the Teen Mom tell-all book does, indeed, exist, allow The Ashley to tell you a bit more about what’s inside this book!

Teen Mom Confidential is packed with 250 pages of news, gossip, interviews and photos — everything you ever wanted to know about the stars of ‘Teen Mom,’ Teen Mom 2 and 16 and Pregnant. We’ve interviewed a ton of the shows’ cast members, and included juicy behind-the-scenes stories that have never been told before.

Here are just a few cool things you’ll find in this book:

  • Updates on every single one of the girls ever to appear on ’16 and Pregnant.’ (Even the ones you never really hear about anymore!)
  • Detailed accounts from former cast members on what it was like to film these shows
  • Salary information: Who gets paid? How much? What does MTV pay for?
  • A look at the childhoods of the ‘Teen Mom’ cast members: what were they like before their days on MTV?

And sooooo much more! The book is now available on Amazon and will soon be available for Kindle!

Wanna order the book? Simply click here to be taken straight to the Amazon ordering page!

P.S. Thank you so much to everyone in Internet Land that has purchased a copy of our book. The Ashley loves you all!

31 Responses

  1. Looking forward to reading ths book I ordered it on sep11th and shipped to Canada and i was just wondering how long it will take to get here thank you

  2. Was looking forward to reading it but can’t purchase it via iTunes 🙁 so disappointed!! Hopefully it will be avail soon?

  3. WTF is Farrah’s problem?? Who cares if she doesn’t like Derek’s mother. If I were Derek’s mother, I would’ve bitched slapped her like her momma Debra did!

    What a totallllllyyyy Selfish Skank! That baby (that she doesn’t even take care of) should be with both grandparents! No matter what! It is about SOPHIA, NOT YOU SLUT!!!

    1. @Marlo Hi there! Currently the book is only being sold online at and on Amazon and Kindle. We hope to get it into book stores at some point, but for now there is nothing in place.

  4. Ashley,

    I pre ordered the book and received an email saying that my form of payment was accepted. When will the book ship? I’m super excited to read it.

  5. Hi Ashley, you saucy minx you….so, what’s the deal then for preorders? Are they being shipped out now? Thanks!

    1. hahahahah yes, pre-orders have shipped, some people have told me they already got their copy, so if you did pre-order on the first day or second day, yours should be arriving very soon!

  6. Yay I can’t wait to read it!!!!!! Congrats to you Ashley on being co author & on the release of the book! I love your site & although I never usually have the time to comment (You are my guilty pleasure at work!) I am an avid reader!!!

      1. just bought your book on kindle and I can’t wait to read it! Love they way your write the Ashley!! Best of luck!!!

    1. @Alex The book is available in Canada! You can purchase it here . It may be a few more dollars for shipping though! 🙂

        1. They already answered that question. It’s a couple of questions down. Don’t complain until you’ve looked to see if your question has already been asked by someone else.

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