If you think it’s hard to have one wife, imagine what it’s like to have four!
Sister Wives star (and husband of four) Kody Brown revealed on the radio that sometimes he second-guesses his decision to marry four women!
“You have good days and bad days,” he told KNPR Nevada Public Radio earlier today. “Maybe you have a lover’s spat or squabble and you might be second-guessing it. On the bad days I always go, “Ugh, was this dumb?’”
“I’m extremely analytical,” he continued. “I rehash and rethink my decisions very in-depthly. There’s times when I second-guess my decisions.”
Kody, along with three of his four wives– Robyn, Janelle and Meri (I guess Christine stayed home with the litter of kids?)–went on the radio show to promote an upcoming appearance at the University of Las Vegas.
The ‘Sister Wives’ bunch revealed a few other interesting tidbits during the interview:
On how Janelle joined the family:
“I knew Meri and then I met Kody when Meri married him,” Janelle said. “At the time they were my novel polygamist friends. I would brag that I knew these polygamist people, they were kind of like that token strange person that you talked about at parties. It was like, ‘Hey, I know these polygamist people.’ When I made the decision to change my faith and come into Mormon Fundamentalism from the LDS Church, I knew Kody was the one for me.”
On why they went public:
“I love how Christine says it, ‘I was tired of Warren Jeffs being our poster child,'” Robyn said.
“[Before our show] everybody painted polygamy with the same brush, and why wouldn’t you?” Kody added. “There’s nothing else out there. We determined that our family needed to step up and be seen”
On getting shunned after going public:
“There’s a danger for opening up this way,” Kody said. “You get singled out. Meri lost her job because she was in a plural marriage. I was under threat constantly because I was a polygamist. I had a sales manager [at my job] specifically say, ‘Kody’s a polygamist, should we let him go first?’”
The ‘Sister Wives’ cast’s book Becoming Sister Wives answers a lot of questions about the family’s past. The Ashley highly recommends it! If you’d like to order a copy, click the link below!
4 Responses
I’m sorry, did Kody say he gets philosophical? Really? Does he know what it means? Philosophical? Seriously?
Kody? scum.
We love this show! We discovered it recently on Netflix or Roku, can’t remember which. We are currently in Season 2 and I’m addicted. Although it is an alternative lifestyle I personally don’t approve of, the adults are all just as normal as the rest of us & it is interesting seeing how they deal with their situation.
There is NOTHING normal about these people; not from the extra wives, the surplus kids. the nutty “husband”, the way they handle their money to the reality show. Nothing, nothing, NOTHING!
You know, Janelle was married to Meri’s brother right? That how she met them. Christine was in NY